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Burial, Removal, and Transit Permits

To apply for a Burial, Removal and/or Transit Permit, please contact the Vital Records Program at 562-570-4305.

Burial Permits are required by California law prior to the disposition of human remains such as burial, cremation, or scattering of cremated remains. Permits may be obtained through any California licensed funeral establishment or by applying in person at our office.

Burial Permits can be applied for by the legal next of kin, the person with the right to control the disposition, and obtained at this office is one of the following is true:

  • The death occurred in Long Beach, or
  • The final resting place of the deceased is in Long Beach, or
  • If there ia a change in the final disposition and the legal next of kin resides in Long Beach. Proof of residence is required and is accepted by providing a California issued photo identificationd/driver's license or utility bill.

All others, please contact the appropriate local registrar for assistance by using the Directory of County Local Registrars.

Prior to your appointment, you will be asked to provide the following information by emailing vitalrecords@longbeach.gov:

  • Valid government-issued photo ID
  • Copy of the official death certificate or previously authorized permit

Pursuant to Health and Safety Codes (H&SC) 7501 and 103060, the person having the right to control the disposition may apply for the Permit.  This person is specified in Health and Safety Code (H&SC) 7100 in the order named:

  • Agent under a power of attorney for health care who has the right of disposition
  • Spouse
  • Adult child of the decedent
  • Parent of the decedent
  • Adult sibling of the decedent
  • Adult person in the next degrees of kinship
  • A conservator of the person appointed
  • A conservator of the estate
  • The public administrator


If you are a current EDRS user, please use the EDRS system to create the permits and contact the Vital Records Program at 562-570-4305.

If you are the next of kin or informant, please email vitalrecords@longbeach.gov or call
562-570-4305 to schedule an appointment.