Garage/Yard SalesGarage/Yard Sales

Any person wishing to have a garage sale must get a garage sale permit prior to holding the sale. 

Rules for Garage Sales

  • First, you must have a garage sale permit and it must be conspicuously displayed during the sale.
  • Each garage sale permit is for 3 consecutive days. If there is bad weather on 2 out of 3 days, then a replacement permit may be requested within one week.
  • Garage sales may only operate between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
  • Only the personal property of persons named on the permit may be sold. 
  • The personal property for sale shall be set out for display in any open garage, yard, or patio—it must not block a public thoroughfare. 
  • Multi-family garage sale (also known as block sale) counts as one garage sale for each participating family and each participating family and address must be included on the permit. Please read the Guidelines for Neighborhood/Block Sales.
  • You must follow at all times, the COVID guidelines when operating a Garage sale. 

Sign RestrictionsSign Restrictions

  • Only one sign advertising the garage sale is authorized and it must be on the garage sale property.
  • The sign can be no larger than 4 feet in height or 6 square feet in area.
  • No signs pointing to or advertising the garage sale other than the one above are authorized.

How to Apply

Type of Home # of Permits Allowed Cost
Single family home 2 per year $17.00 each
Apartment 1 per quarter $17.00 each
Block Sale Limits above  $17.00 each


Apply online for a garage sale permit.  You may apply online if you have a Long Beach utility bill in your name and/or if you have previously applied for a garage sale permit at this location.


You may apply for a garage sale pemit via email by sending the completed Garage Sale application, and proof of residency at the address you are requesting the sale to occur, to LBBIZ@LongBeach.Gov.

In Person 

You may submit the Garage Sale Application along with payment in person to the Business License Division or some LBPD Substations. The Business License Division is located at: 

411 W. Ocean Blvd.
2nd Floor
Long Beach, CA 90802
Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

The contact information and address information for the North, South, East, and West City of Long Beach Police Substations is located with the garage sale application. Please contact the desired substation before you apply to ensure they are accepting garage sale applications. 

For proof of identification and address you must bring a driver's license (or California Identification Card). If your current address is not on your driver's license, you must also bring a utility bill indicating you live at the address.

For a multi-family garage sale, the representative needs to submit a signed application and copy of utility bill for each participant to City Hall.

Garage Sale LocatorGarage Sale Locator

For information on where upcoming garage sales are located in Long Beach, use our Garage Sale Locator Tool

Citizen Complaints

Business License Inspectors are available six days a week to assist in garage sale enforcement. If you have a complaint regarding an illegal garage sale, please call our hotline at (562) 570-YARD.