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Hospital Discharge Guidelines - 

All patients with suspected or confirmed diagnosis of TB need approval by the City of Long Beach TB Control Program prior to discharge or transfer to another facility. The hospital shall notify the TB Control Program of its discharge plans at least 24 hours prior to discharge.

Please completed the Confidential Tuberculosis Suspect Case Report and Tuberculosis Discharge Care Plan and fax to (562) 570-4391.

Confidential Tuberculosis Suspect Case Report | Tuberculosis Discharge Care Plan

Which Cases of Latent TB Infection (LTBI) Need To Be Reported?

A positive tuberculin skin test or Quantiferon TB gold with a normal chest x-ray is not reportable unless the patient is age 3 years or younger. However, health department follow-up may be requested for PPD reactors who also meet one of the following criteria. The reason for referral must be noted on the Remarks section.  

  1. HIV infected or at risk for HIV infection 
  2. Contact to infectious case of tuberculosis 
  3. Abnormal chest film consistent with old TB or silicosis 
  4. Children 3 years old or under with a positive tuberculin skin test 
  5. Documented converters 
  6. Medical conditions that increase TB risk:  
  •  Diabetes mellitus 
  • Prolonged steroid therapy
  • Immuno-suppressive therapy 
  • End stage renal disease 
  • Unexplained rapid weight loss

TB Reporting:

All confirmed or suspected cases of active TB disease, including extrapulmonary, must be reported within one working day of identification (Title 17 California Code of Regulation 2500).

For faxed reports, use the Confidential Morbidity Report-TB (CMR-TB).
Telephone with solid fill (562) 570-4526 or (562) 570-4379
  Fax: (562) 570-4391