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Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program LogoChildhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP)


Woman Dies from U​sing a Hemorrhoid Ointment from Vietnam

Image of Cao Boi Tri Cay Thau Dau OintmentA woman in Sacramento developed severe lead poisoning and died after using a hemorrhoid  ointment from Vietnam called,  Cao Bôi Trĩ Cây Thầu Dầu​​.

Testing of the hemorrhoid ointment found that it contained four percent lead ​​(39,000 ppm), which is a highly dangerous amount. Lead is toxic. Exposure to any amount of lead can harm health.

The woman purchased the ointment on Facebook, and a relative in Vietnam mailed it to her in the U.S. It is unclear if people can directly buy this ointment in the U.S. ​ ​

Advice to Consumers

  • Do not purchase or use this hemorrhoid ointment.

  • If you are using this ointment, stop using it immediately.

  • ​If you used this ointment, see your health care provider and get your blood tested for lead (venous blood test). ​​​Blood lead testing is the best method for identifying lead exposure. Because other household members could have come into contact with the ointment, all household members should have their blood lead tested. Children are especially vulnerable to lead poisoning.   ​

  • ​​If you have this ointment, put the jar of ointment in a sealed plastic bag and contact (510) 620-3620 or email toxoutbreak@cdph.ca.gov.​

Health Alert: English | Vietnamese

If you have used this product, please see a doctor immediately and provide the following letter: English | Vietnamese 

CLPPP Mission Statement:

Long Beach Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program is dedicated to lead poisoning prevention through health education and advocacy of timely lead screenings of children in the Long Beach community.

About Lead and Lead Poisoning:

For centuries lead (Pb), a highly toxic metal has been used in a variety of household products including paints, pigments, varnishes, food containers and ornamental crafts. Lead has also been widely used by industries such as battery manufacturing and recycling, soldering and welding, smelting and casting, and the manufacture of lead paints, inks, glazes and pigments.

For many years, lead was used as an additive in household paint because of its high gloss and anticorrosive properties. In 1978, the Federal Government prohibited the use of lead in household paint. However, lead has been found in exposed layers of old household paint due to poor upkeep and deterioration. People are exposed to lead in the home environment where lead-based paint is deteriorating or disturbed during remodeling and renovation. Children, especially toddlers, may ingest lead from old peeling or chipping paint, paint dust or lead contaminated soil. Pica, the ingestion of non-food items, is common in young children especially during the "hand-to-mouth" stage in the toddler years.

Current medical studies indicate that even low lead levels can cause learning and behavior problems in children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, low levels of lead exposure (below 10 micrograms per deciliter) in children can cause learning and behavioral problems. At moderate to high levels of exposure, children can have neurological, kidney damage, immune system deficits, and reproductive problems (in adulthood) and even death in rare cases.

CLPPP Primary Services:

Case Management: A Public Health Nurse (PHN) writes a service plan, contacts the primary health care provider to assure adequate follow up of the lead poisoned child and offers referrals to the family for other services. In addition, the PHN provides education to the family, verifies that an environmental investigation of the home is conducted and reassesses the child and family as needed until the case meets closure criteria as defined by the State of California Department of Health Services.

Environmental Assessment: The Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) provides families of lead poisoned children with a thorough inspection of the residence and a laboratory investigation. The REHS also makes sure that sources of lead in the home environment are eliminated or remediated.

Community Outreach: The Health Educator (HE) and Community Worker (CW) provide public information campaigns, workshops, presentations and other outreach events to educate the public about childhood lead poisoning health effects, sources and prevention measures. They facilitate special workshops for parents with preschool age children, childcare providers, and non-profit organizations.

Professional Outreach: The Public Health Nurse and Health Educator provide the medical community with current information regarding lead sources, screening and legislative information. They also verify that childhood lead testing and screening policies are followed and implemented. They also establish goals with local medical providers to improve the number of children being screened for lead poisoning.

For questions or information about the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP), call 562-570-4564 or e-mail HE-CLPPP@longbeach.gov.

For Medical Providers

CLPPP Referral Form Screenshot of Caifornia Management Guidelines on Childhood Lead Poisoning for Health Care Providers Info Sheet Standard of Care Guidelines on Childhood Lead Poisoning for California Health Care Providers
CLPPP Referral Form for BLLs < 3.5 mcg/dL
(Revised August 25, 2023)

Management Guidelines for Health Care Providers
(Rev. Sept 2023)

Standard of Care Guidelines for California Health Care Providers
(Rev. 2019)
Thumbnail of "Health Effects of Lead Poisoning"  Screenshot of Educational Materials Order Form  
Health Effects of Lead Exposure Educational Materials Order Form   

Educational Materials

Image of "Why Lead Testing Matters" Pamphlet "Keeping Your Child Safe from Lead in Baby Foods" Flyer in English and Spanish "Find The Lead Sources" Flyer
Why Lead Testing Matters
Revised 2023

Keeping Your Child Safe from Lead in Baby Foods 

Find The Lead Sources

"Is Your Child at Risk for Lead Poisoning" Checklist "Lead in Traditional Ceramic Dishware" Pamphlet Thumbnail of Pamphlet "Well Fed = Less Lead"
 Is Your Child at Risk for Lead Poisoning? Checklist
Lead in Traditional Ceramic Dishware  Well Fed = Less Lead 
Image of "Do You Use Firearms" Flyers  

Lead in Aviation Gas

 Do You Use Firearms?

Recall Alerts

01/10/2024 - Recall Notice: Wanabana Apple Cinnamon Pouches

Image of recalled Wanabana Apple Cinnamon Pouches

The FDA is issuing this public health alert advising parents and caregivers not to purchase or feed WanaBana apple cinnamon fruit puree pouches to toddlers and young children because they may contain elevated levels of lead. The FDA is continuing to work with state officials and the firm, collecting additional information, and taking steps to remove all contaminated product from the market.

Recall Alert: Wanabana Apple Cinnamon Pouches

07/26/2023 - Recall Notice: CUPKIN Double-Walled Stainless Steel Cups

This recall involves improperly manufactured 8 oz. and 12 oz. models of CUPKIN Double-Walled Stainless Steel Children’s Cups sold in pairs. Both sizes of the recalled cups were sold in 12 different color combinations including a matching straw: blue and green, pink and purple, blue and gray, peach and teal, black and white, coral and yellow, green and pink, polignac and potpourri, brown and peach, rust and salmon, aqua and periwinkle, and cobalt and mint. "Cupkin" is printed on the front bottom of the cups.

For more information on recalled products visit the CPSC website.

05/01/2023 - Del Maguey Issues Voluntary Recall of Promotional Ceramicware Cups Called ‘Copitas’

Del Maguey Co., New York, NY is conducting a voluntary recall of certain ceramicware cups called copitas – small artisan cups traditionally used for drinking mezcal – because they may exceed FDA guidance levels for leachable lead.

Read full press release...

04/20/2023 - Lil Anglers Recalls Children's Fishing Rods Sold with Kid Casters No Tangle Combos Due to Violation of Federal Lead Content Ban

The fishing rods contain levels of lead that exceed the federal lead content ban. Lead is toxic if ingested by young children and can cause adverse health issues.

For more information on recalled products visit the CPSC website.