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Please note: By submitting this form, you are granting LinkLB permission to email you. You can revoke permission to mail to your email address at any time using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. We take your privacy seriously (to see for yourself, please read our Email Privacy Policy). Emails are serviced by Constant Contact.
PrivacyIn order to provide you with the ability to receive directed e-mail information in which you have expressed an interest, it is necessary for the City of Long Beach to collect your e-mail address. This information is used only for e-mail distribution to the specific list or lists for which you have registered. By agreeing to use this service, you are granting us permission to send you periodic e-mails only about topics for which you registered. The City of Long Beach will use your e-mail address only for this permission based e-mail service.

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