Learn more about our services and programs:
❍ OCEAN WATER MONITORINGOcean and bay water are monitored for possible elevated bacterial level associated with urban and storm runoff at outlets such as storm drains and rivers. |
❍ GREASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMFood Service Establishments are periodically inspected to determine compliance with City Municipal Code and to ensure fat, oil, and grease are not incorrectly disposed into sanitary pipes. |
❍ WELL & SOIL BORING PERMITTINGTo prevent contamination of the ground water, installation and destruction of wells and soil boring are reviewed and permitted. ❍ CROSS CONNECTION PROGRAMPermitting and inspections are conducted to ensure that drinking water supply is protected from any potential source of contamination. |
❍ PUBLIC POOL AND SPA PROGRAMPools, spas, wading pools and other recreation water features located at hotels, apartments, condominiums, parks, schools, gyms, community centers, therapy pools and other public pools and spas are permitted and inspected to ensure water quality and safety requirements are met. |