Long Beach Justice Fund Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Long Beach Justice Fund?

The Long Beach Justice Fund is a legal defense fund and program that provides legal help for low income immigrants at risk of deportation that live or work in Long Beach.

Why do we need the Long Beach Justice Fund?

In the last three months, fewer than one in five immigrants in Long Beach had a lawyer to help fight their cases.  While many people in the deportation process have valid legal reasons to stay in the United States, they cannot argue their cases well enough without legal help. Legal representation allows people to make the best decision about how to best fight their cases and receive the rights available to them under the U.S. law.

Who will be providing the services?

Immigrant Defenders Law Center (ImmDef) is the legal service provider for the Long Beach Justice Fund. As one of the largest nonprofit providers of deportation defense in California, ImmDef is focused on helping immigrants who are in some of the most legally complicated situations. This includes representation for unaccompanied children and youth who arrived alone to the U.S. and now face deportation, adults with mental health challenges, and legal permanent residents facing deportation due to unlawful conviction.

Who is funding the Long Beach Justice Fund?

The City of Long Beach gave $250,000 toward the fund and Vera Institute of Justice gave $100,000, for a total of $350,000. Charitable donations will help serve more people and keep the fund alive after the initial two years.

Who chose the Legal Service Provider?

The request for proposal (RFP) review committee had representatives from the city of Long Beach, Vera Institute of Justice, Human Relations Commission and the Sanctuary Long Beach Coalition.  The committee worked to determine the specific requirements and timeline for the RFP process and chose a legal service provider(s) based on those requirements.

What services will they provide?

The fund will give free legal representation to low income immigrants living or working in Long Beach, who are at risk of deportation. The Immigrant Defenders Law Center will be working with detention centers to find people from Long Beach in need of legal help. They will also be accepting referrals of non-detained people from local community organizations.

When will services begin?

Legal services begin in June 2019.

Who qualifies?

Requirements for the Long Beach Justice Fund include:

1.     Person must live or work in Long Beach.
2.     Household income below 200 percent of the federal poverty level.
3.     Detained and non-detained people at risk of deportation.

Who do I call to get these services?

For information about the Long Beach Justice Fund contact Tony.Viramontes@longbeach.gov