Community Development

Foreclosure Registry Program

Any foreclosed property in the City of Long Beach must be registered and renewed annually with the City’s Foreclosure Registry Program. This program is part of our effort to protect residential neighborhoods from blight caused by lack of adequate maintenance and security.

Foreclosure Registry FAQs

To report blighted properties, call the Code Enforcement Bureau at (562) 570-CODE (2633).

Any beneficiary or trustee who holds or has an interest in a deed of trust on a residential property in foreclosure located in the City of Long Beach must register that property with the Code Enforcement Bureau within 30 days of the Notice of Default being issued.

You must download and fill out the Foreclosure Registry Program Registration Form and submit it to the Code Enforcement Bureau. In the application, you must provide contact information (street address and phone number) of the beneficiary, trustee or lender directly responsible for the property in foreclosure. If the responsible individual is located “out of area,” you must provide the contact information of the property management or property preservation company responsible for the security, maintenance, and marketing of the property. The listed contact must be able to:

  1. Maintain the property in compliance with all Long Beach Municipal Codes including security requirements
  2. Conduct weekly inspections of the property
  3. Post contact information on the interior of the property (8 ½ inches x 11 inches in size)
  4. Comply with Code Enforcement Bureau’s orders issued by the City.
Beneficiaries or trustees who register the property must report any change of information contained in the registration to Code Enforcement Bureau within 10 days.

An annual registration fee of $205 must be paid to the Code Enforcement Bureau at the time of registration. The fee and registration are valid for a year. Subsequent registrations and fees will be due on Jan. 1 of each year and must be received no later than Jan. 15. Registration fees are not prorated.