Community Development

Cultural Heritage Commission

The Cultural Heritage Commission (CHC) reviews the design of all proposed changes to designated properties in historic districts as well as historic landmarks. The CHC also identifies buildings and neighborhoods with architectural and historical value and recommends designation as City landmarks to the Mayor, City Council, and Planning Commission. View the Long Beach Municipal Code 2.63, which establishes the Cultural Heritage Commission and provides details on its duties and purposes.

Cultural Heritage Commission Meetings

The Cultural Heritage Commission Meeting meets on the last Tuesday of each month at 5 p.m. at the Long Beach City Hall Civic Chambers (411 W. Ocean Blvd.).

The Cultural Heritage Commission meeting will be held in-person and public comment can be provided in person or virtually via the Zoom platform. Please note the Zoom meeting may encounter technical disruptions, but in-person access and public comment will continue to be available in accordance with the Brown Act. Written testimony and written public comments can be submitted to

Staff Liaison:
Alison Spindler-Ruiz, Planning Bureau Manager, 562.570.6946

To participate in these meetings virtually or by phone, please use the following options:

Join online
Join by phone: 213.338.8477
Meeting ID: 954 4193 2207

  • Kevin McGuan, Chair
  • Mark Grisafe, Vice Chair
  • Tasha Hunter
  • Marco Pizzo
  • Amy Bodek
  • Jocelynn Pryor
  • Jacqueline Padilla Perez

Officer Election: Annually in July
Term: 2 years (4 terms max.)
Membership: Appointed by Mayor

Staff Liaison:
Alison Spindler-Ruiz, Planning Bureau Manager, 562.570.6946

Monthly Certificate of Appropriateness Case Filings