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Tree Tracker Update 11.08.2024
Office Launches New Tree Tracker Tool 11/8/2024

Office of Climate Action & Sustainability launches new Tree Tracker Tool and Tree of the Week series to promote the Tree Planting Program.

CCAC Now Recruiting
Office Celebrates the 2023-24 Class of California Climate Action Corps Fellows 6/7/2024 The Office commends the current class of California Climate Action Corps (CCAC) Fellows for their achievements this year. Applications for the 2024-25 term are now open. 
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Third Annual City Nature Challenge Recap 5/10/2024 The Office of Climate Action & Sustainability held its third annual City Nature Challenge event.
Long Beach's First Youth Climate Corps Cohort 1/17/2023

The City of Long Beach officially began its first Youth Climate Corps cohort in June, including ten youth supporting the Office of Sustainability.

City Launches Youth Climate Ambassador Program 6/29/2022

On Wednesday, March 30, the City of Long Beach began its first Youth Climate Ambassador Program, inviting youth from all over the city, especially from disadvantaged communities, to participate.

Sustainability spotlight: Climate Adaptation and Resilience at Rancho Los Cerritos 4/14/2022 The historic Rancho Los Cerritos is paving the way for climate change, environmental justice, and water conservation with their stormwater retention and recapture project, Looking Back to Advance Forward.
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Celebrate Earth Week! 3/18/2022 Join us on Tuesday, 4/19, at the Billie Jean King Main Library to kickoff Earth Week!
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2021 Sustainability Year In Review 1/13/2022
Long Beach continued making progress towards a more environmentally friendly and resilient city in 2021. Here are some highlights from the Office of Sustainability for 2021. 
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Sustainability Spotlight: Education, Community, and Environmental Stewardship at Long Beach Community Compost 1/11/2022 Long Beach Community Compost is a self-organizing group of individuals whose primary mission is to turn residents’ food waste and yard debris into steamy, glorious compost.
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From Degradation to Restoration: Four-Year Anniversary of Willow Springs Wetland Restoration Project 10/20/2021 Strolling through Willow Springs Park, you’ll witness an incredible revival of a once highly-degraded, native ecosystem. 
Sustainability Spotlight: Healing Earth, Mind and Body at the Gladys Avenue Urban Farm 10/11/2021 Gladys Avenue Urban Farm is on a mission to bring healing to natural ecosystems and local residents, while providing a space for family fun and education. 
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Public Invited to Groundbreaking Ceremony for DeForest Park Environmental Education Center 9/22/2021 The Long Beach Department of Parks, Recreation and Marine is hosting a groundbreaking ceremony at 4 p.m. Tuesday, September 28, for the new DeForest Park Environmental Education Center.
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CCLB Woodyard Breaks Ground at Willow Springs Park 7/15/2021 The Conservation Corps of Long Beach is preparing to open a wood yard at Willow Springs Park that will repurpose lumber from removed street trees.
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Earth Day Neighborhood Clean-Ups 4/26/2021 In celebration of Earth Day, Long Beach neighborhood and community groups hosted 13 clean-up events across the City on Saturday April 24th.
Sustainable Home Improvement 4/6/2021 One of the biggest impacts individuals can make is through improvements to their homes which can create long-term reductions in energy use and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Long Beach at work on a new sustainability strategic plan 3/5/2021

Long Beach’s 10-year Sustainable City Action Plan, adopted in 2010, has expired. So, city officials say, it’s time for a new one.

City Council Confirms Long Beach’s First Climate Action and Adaptation Plan 1/7/2021 On Tuesday, January 5, the Long Beach City Council confirmed the City’s first-ever Climate Action and Adaption Plan (CAAP).
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Pacific Gateway PATH Program Employing the Unhoused at Willow Springs Park 10/14/2020 Long Beach Sustainability is proud to partner with Pacific Gateway on the new PATH program providing work experience for unhoused individuals in Long Beach.
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Sustainability Spotlight: Bring Your Own Long Beach 7/24/2020 We’re putting the spotlight on Bring Your Own Long Beach, Long Beach’s first Green Business Innovator! 
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Sustainability Spotlight: Long Beach Environmental Alliance 7/13/2020 The Long Beach Environmental Alliance is a community organization that seeks to connect individuals and groups in the Long Beach area dedicated to addressing pollution and climate change.
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Earth Day 50th Anniversary 4/6/2020 April 22, 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day celebrations around the world. Though we can’t celebrate in person on that date, there are still many ways we can mark the occasion, and many ways you can help protect the environment!
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Sustainability Spotlight: The Growing Experience 3/30/2020 The Growing Experience is a 7-acre urban farm and community garden located within the Carmelitos Housing Development that provides fresh produce and safe green space. 
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Long Beach Hosts 2nd Annual Green Business Recognition 3/12/2020 Long Beach recognized 23 businesses at the Green Business Program’s Annual Recognition Event on Tuesday, March 10. The program now has a grand total of 53 businesses recognized since the program launched.
Native Plant Workshop
LB Sustainability 2019-2020 1/14/2020 Long Beach continued making progress towards a more environmentally friendly and resilient city in 2019. Here are some highlights from the Office of Sustainability for 2019
Sustainability Spotlight: LBUSD Green Summit 12/26/2019 Long Beach Unified School District held its first ever Green Summit in November to launch a district-wide recycling program and long-term sustainability plan that will engage staff, parents, and students.
Sustainability Crawl
Sustainability Spotlight: Taste of Sustainability Social Crawl 10/21/2019 Earlier this month the Long Beach Water Department and Environmental Services Bureau partnered up for a new event, the Taste of Sustainability Social Crawl, to showcase sustainable restaurants in the city.
Female Entrepreneurs Driving Sustainable Business Practices 8/26/2019 Darrell is one of many female entrepreneurs driving the implementation of sustainable business practices in Long Beach. Many are part of the city’s green business certification program. The program recognizes businesses from a variety of industries
Long Beach Celebrates Green Certified Businesses 5/8/2019 Long Beach Certified 31 local businesses and organizations through the Green Businesses Program in the past year since the program re-launched under the California Green Business Network.
Long Beach Celebrates Earth Month 2019 4/8/2019 Though observed on April 22, Earth Day has grown beyond a single-day celebration. In the City of Long Beach and throughout the world, the entire month of April is devoted to acts of environmental veneration
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City-provided fruit trees are a big hit in Long Beach 1/29/2019 City tree-planting offers aren’t unusual, but Long Beach has found a winning twist in its new fruit-tree planting program.
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Sustainability 2018 to 2019 1/24/2019 The Office of Sustainability continues to expand its programs and services to Long Beach residents in 2019.
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Sustainability Office Helping Businesses Go Green 12/3/2018 Long Beach businesses that commit to environmental and sustainable practices are not only being recognized by their community, they’re now certifiably green. 
Long Beach School Honored for Sustainability 9/26/2018 Maple Village Waldorf School was recognized in Washington D.C. this week as a U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School for their efforts towards environmental sustainability .
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Sustainability Spotlight: Grades of Green Launching Global Water Campaign 7/11/2018 Grades of Green invites Long Beach students to join the fall 2018 global Water Campaign.
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Clean Transportation and Clean Energy at the Sustainable City Commission 7/5/2018 Last week, the Sustainable City Commission heard from Public Works Mobility team about sustainable transportation programs and from Southern California Edison about the pathway to clean energy.
Urban Forestry and Climate Change Discussed at the Sustainable City Commission 5/31/2018 The Sustainable City Commission last week heard updates on the state of Long Beach’s urban forest and the process to create a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan for the City. 
From Alleys to Coastlines: Community-Based Resilience at the Sustainable City Commission 3/29/2018 The Aquarium of the Pacific and The Trust for Public Land joined the March Sustainability City Commission Meeting to present on their recent work towards community resilience.
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Sustainability Spotlight: Climate Resiliency Guides 3/6/2018 The spotlight is on the Aquarium of the Pacific this week for their Climate Resilience Guides that make climate actions accessible to Long Beach residents.
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Sustainable City Commission Receives an Update on Waste Reduction 1/31/2018 Long Beach’s Public Works-Environmental Services Bureau came to the Sustainable City Commission last week to provide an update on waste reduction programs and accomplishments.
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Sustainability 2017 to 2018 1/22/2018 2017 was a good year for sustainability in Long Beach. Our office’s fieldwork programs provided resources to residents to make their homes and neighborhoods more sustainable.
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Sustainability Spotlight: Holiday Tree Recycling 12/28/2017 Keep the memories, recycle the tree – that’s what the Department of Public Works, Environmental Services Bureau is asking residents to do this holiday season. 
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Climate Action at the Sustainable City Commission 12/13/2017 The Sustainable City Commission received an update on the City’s Climate Action and Adaptation Plan from the Planning Bureau last week.
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Sustainability Spotlight: Ports of LB and LA Update the Clean Air Action Plan 11/9/2017 The Ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles have updated their joint Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP) with goals extending through 2050.
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Water Conservation at the Sustainable City Commission 11/1/2017 The Sustainable City Commission heard from Long Beach Water last week about their ongoing conservation programs and incentives.
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Willow Springs Wetlands Restoration Grand Opening 10/23/2017

This past Saturday, October 21, 2017, the Grand Opening was held for the Restoration of Willow Springs Park Wetlands, located at 2755 Orange Ave, Long Beach, CA 90806.

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Sustainability Spotlight: Parks Creates More Green Space in Long Beach 10/11/2017 Long Beach’s Department of Parks, Recreation & Marine is adding more sustainable green spaces for environmental and health benefits across the city.
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Reducing Emissions in City Cars and Historic Homes at the SCC 8/1/2017 The Sustainable City Commission last week heard from Long Beach Fleet Services about their efforts towards a Green Fleet, and from Stellar Consulting about the potential impact of energy efficient mortgages.
Sustainability Spotlight: LB Water Launches Certified Blue Restaurant Program 7/18/2017 The Long Beach Water Department just launched a new program to recognize restaurants that make an effort to conserve water.
Community Choice Energy at the Sustainable City Commission 7/10/2017 The Sustainable City Commission last month heard from Long Beach Gas and Oil about their work to investigate community choice energy options for Long Beach.
Sustainable City Commission Talks About Multi-Modal Transportation 5/31/2017 In honor of Bike Month, the Sustainable City Commission heard from Long Beach Transit and Public Works about sustainable modes of transportation.
Long Beach Recognized By The Climate Registry 5/18/2017 Long Beach was honored to be recognized by The Climate Registry “In commemoration of their vision and environmental leadership.”
Mayor Proclaims Earth Day & Week In Long Beach 4/14/2017 April brings with it a time to celebrate and protect our natural environment. Earth Day is just around the corner and Long Beach has many opportunities to participate.
Q&A With Kelsey The Gardener 4/5/2017 Kelsey runs our Edible Garden, and has been producing lots of veggies over the last few months!
Sustainable City Commission Discusses Polystyrene And Oil 3/29/2017 The Sustainable City Commission received a presentation from the Environmental Services Bureau on the development of an expanded polystyrene ban, and a report from the Long Beach Energy Resources Department on current oil operations.
Sustainability Spotlight: Environmental Services Bureau 3/20/2017 We’re putting the spotlight on Long Beach’s Environmental Services Bureau for their efforts to increase recycling and reduce waste in Long Beach.
Sustainable City Commission Hears From The Port Of Long Beach 3/1/2017 Last Thursday, February 23rd, the Sustainable City Commission received presentations from the Port of Long Beach on their Clean Air Action Plan and plan for new On-Dock Rail Operations.
I Dig Long Beach Plants Its 3,000th Tree 2/27/2017 I Dig Long Beach’s goal is to plant 6,000 trees by 2020, and they just planted their 3,000th tree near Hamilton Middle School on Saturday.
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Sustainability Spotlight: Long Beach Fleet 2/6/2017 We’re putting the spotlight on Long Beach’s Fleet Services Bureau for all the progress they’ve made to make City trucks and vehicles greener and cleaner.
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Sustainable City Commission Discusses Climate Resilience 1/31/2017 The Aquarium of the Pacific and CSULB Sustainability presented on their climate resiliency community efforts, and we heard an update on the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan.
City Council Approves Willow Springs Construction 1/18/2017 On January 10th, 2017, City Council Approved the 11.5 acre park restoration project at Willow Springs.
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2017 Office of Sustainability Work Plan Approved 12/27/2016 The Office of Sustainability Work Plan for 2017 was approved by City Council this month.
Long Beach Recognized as a Cool California City 4/22/2016 The City of Long Beach came in 2nd among 22 participating cities in the CoolCalifornia Challenge for 2015-2016.