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Youth Climate Corps (YCC) 

The Youth Climate Corps Program is funded as a part of the Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund established under the American Rescue Plan Act. This program aims to increase youth employment, develop youth interest & experience towards a career in public service, and strengthen city capacity to address education, climate & food insecurity.

Willow Springs YCC Goals: 

  1. Provide an environment where we prioritize underrepresented, marginalized, Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) voices and concerns regarding climate change. 

  1. To foster an inclusive work environment and culture. 

  1. Increase diversity in the conservation and restoration fields by developing mentorships that are rooted in educational and community-based programs. 

  1. We aspire to empowering and supporting the development of our communities with the goal of educational opportunities and professional advancement for underrepresented groups in environmental and climate action fields. 

 Through habitat restoration, planting work, and various other areas of sustainability, members of the YCC will: 

  1.   Contribute to creating outdoor spaces where people can enjoy themselves and build a deeper relationship with the land. 

  1.   Gain and share knowledge that will help their communities respond to the effects of climate change, even beyond the program.  

  1.  More broadly understand the concept of sustainability and use this experience as a steppingstone into future opportunities.  

We strongly believe everything we teach and learn at Willow Springs will be essential for generations to come. We do our best to make education accessible and engaging when it comes to information surrounding our greener efforts. We provide experiences for members of the community through nature exploration. To achieve this goal, we host free workshops, events, and strive to maintain an active relationship with our park visitors. 

More information on how to get involved in Youth Climate Corps will be provided soon.