Office Launches New Tree Tracker Tool
Release Date: 2024-11-08
By: Lupita Cabanillas
The City of Long Beach Office of Climate Action and Sustainability (Office) is proud to introduce our new tree tracker! This new tool will help visualize the progress of our Tree Planting Program throughout the September 2024 - June 2025 planting season. Our program provides free trees for resident parkways, and so far we have planted 138 trees this season. We encourage residents to apply online, the current wait time to receive trees is around 2 months.
Residents can also support our program goals by joining a community tree planting. The Office recently hosted an event in the Willmore neighborhood in partnership with Neighbor-to-Neighbor, a California Volunteers program. The Neighbor-to-Neighbor program fosters community connections to address local needs through climate action activities.
The Office will host another tree-planting event in the Willmore Neighborhood on November 16, 2024. With the support of the community, we aim to plant 24 trees. Volunteers can register through Golden Volunteers.
Included in the November 16th tree planting will be this week’s Tree of the Week, the Monterey Cypress. Tree of the Week is a new series on our Instagram that highlights the different trees that residents can request through the Tree Planting Program. Catch up on this series and others by following us on Instagram and Facebook!
Stay tuned for more updates from our Tree Planting Program! Sign up for our newsletter for more opportunities to get involved in local sustainable programs and events.