Climate Change in Long Beach
As part of the LB CAP process, the most up-to-date science and local climate projections for the main climate change impacts—extreme heat, sea level rise, and precipitation— and two secondary impacts relating to air quality and drought were reviewed. The City used this information to carry out a Climate Vulnerability Assessment, which explored how these climate stressors will impact different types of city assets. As climate models and projections are improved and updated with new data and observations, they will be used to inform future updates of the LB CAP.The Long Beach community will be negatively impacted by an increase in the number of extreme heat days, rising sea levels and increased precipitation, and other climate stressors as highlighted in the graphics below.
Extreme Heat

Sea Level Rise and Increased Precipitation


Air Quality

How Emissions Impact Long Beach
GHG emissions that contribute to climate change come from multiple sectors. Developing meaningful reduction strategies and evaluating their ability to meet a GHG target first requires an understanding of the community’s baseline and projected future emissions levels.The City developed a production inventory that analyzes emissions from local activities such as vehicle travel, building energy use, and waste disposal. Emissions occurring from vessel operations at the Port of Long Beach are, in part, regulated at the state level by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), and the City of Long Beach does not have the direct authority to dictate emissions reduction policies for private shipping companies that operate from the port. For this reason, port waterborne activity is not considered for GHG target-setting purposes.Where do our emissions come from?

How Climate Change Affects Social Determinants of Health
Social determinants of health are the complex social and economic circumstances, in which people are born, grow up, live, and work. These circumstances are shaped by a wider set of forces including economics, social policies, and politics. Some social determinants of health are healthcare services, transportation, education quality, poverty, public safety, and food security. Climate change will affect individual’s social determinants of health in many different ways.