ABOUT The COVID-19 Outdoor Activity Permit (OAP) for a Temporary Parklet on Private Property

What is an Occasional Event Permit for Outdoor Activity?
The City of Long Beach launched the Outdoor Activity Initiative in response to the COVID-19 public health crisis. The implementation of this permit is to allow businesses to return to operations during the current phase of COVID-19 restrictions to allow for physical distancing. This COVID-19 Outdoor Activity Permit was a multiple day permit issued through the city Special Events office that allowed businesses with a valid and current business license to occupy outdoor space.
Conditions of operation, such as hours of operation, ambient music or other, was revised if complaints were received. The permit could be subject to revocation if the operator was not compliant with the conditions/terms of the permit or there were repeat violations; citations for noncompliance of the permit or the City’s Health Order.
An Occasional Event Permit for Outdoor Activity was required under the following conditions:
- Instances where parking areas are reconfigured.
- Instances where additional seating is installed.
- Instances where onsite entertainment is offered. All onsite entertainment shall adhere to city policies, codes and laws related to sound levels. Possession of this permit does not allow the permittee to unduly disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood with excessively loud noise and unruly or risky behavior, unless an exemption is provided by the Office of Special Events and Filming. Loitering outside the area is prohibited. Ambient music shall be allowed. Ambient music shall mean low-level background music, whether amplified or not amplified, which is audible from a distance of no more than ten feet (10') from any portion of the exterior of the premises, and which is intended to create ambiance and is not intended to entertain. Ambient Music does not include music played by a disc jockey or DJ.
- Instances where off-site public or private property is being utilized.
A site plan is required when turning in this application.
The site plan must include all set up, including dimensions and how the area will be enclosed.
Fire code compliance is required for egress purposes within the permitted area. Due to certain specific circumstances, usually related to fire codes, the City Fire Marshall may conduct a Safety Spot Check.
Outdoor dining may occur under a tent, canopy, or other sun shelter but only as long as no more than one side is closed, allowing sufficient outdoor air movement. For purposes of this requirement, an outdoor dining area with temporary barriers (such as plastic curtains, plexiglass, or particle board), present on more than one side of an outdoor dining area is considered closed as it does not allow for sufficient outdoor air movement and is a violation of this section. Canopies 700 ft. or greater shall require a tent permit.
Seating shall comply with existing City of Long Beach Health Department’s Safer at Home Order, Health Order guidelines.
The permittee shall abide by all California Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC) guidelines, obtain the proper ABC license for alcohol service within the temporary area, and include liquor liability on their insurance. Based on review of your application you may also be required to hire private security.
Insurance Requirements:
An original Certificate of Insurance and the Additional Insured Endorsement must be submitted to the Special Events and Filming Office. Liquor liability shall be on file with the city for the duration of the event. See Insurance Requirements.
Initial Health Department Requirements for Bars:
- Current Annual Bar/Tavern Health Permit.
- Bar* owner/operator should complete the “Host Facility” checklist.
- Each bar can partner with one permitted food facility (restaurant or food truck) ONLY. Include proof of valid health permit for partnering food facility when submitting your packet for review and approval.
- Submit completed “Catering Standard Operating Procedure.” Either the partnering restaurant owner or food truck owner can complete this form.
- Submit above application packet to the Health Department for review and approval. The packet can be scanned and emailed to: EnvironmentalHealth@longbeach.gov.
- Health Department approval is required prior to opening and operation. Report of approval must be posted onsite in a readily visible location at the bar.
- Please contact Environmental Health at (562) 570 – 4132 for any questions.
*Herein, bars are referred to brewpubs, breweries, bars, pubs, craft distilleries, and wineries.
Occasional Event Permit for Outdoor Activity effective timeline:
The Occasional Event Permit for Outdoor Activity expire January 31, 2023.
Platform Conditions:
- Permanent materials, such as poured-in-place concrete, are prohibited. Lightweight concrete poured on foam without rebar is permitted.
- Platforms shall be designed so as not to impede the flow of stormwater. A gap shall be provided along the gutter to allow rainwater to naturally flow without obstruction and screens shall be located on either end of the platform to prevent debris from building up underneath the platform deck.
- Decking shall be constructed of quality, non-slip, and weather resilient material.
- Barriers, railings, or other fencing must be included around the perimeter of a deck design and must be attached to the platform structure and shall not be attached to the roadbed, curb, or K-rail barricades. Barrier extensions can be anchored to the sidewalk under direction of the City Engineer.
Occasional Event Permit for Outdoor Activity fee schedule:
- Fire Safety Officer Spot Check Fee: $105.00 (if deemed necessary)
Occasional Event Permit for Outdoor Activity checklist:
Below is a checklist of the required forms and documentation needed for the Occasional Event Permit for Outdoor Activity. Please submit the following items to the Special Events and Filming Office. Your Application will be reviewed by a Special Events and Filming staff member who will contact you.
- Completed COVID-19 Outdoor Activity Permit Application
- Site Plan (detailed diagram of your proposed set up, including dimension)
- Lease/rental Agreement (if event is being held on property other than your own)
- Completed insurance form with endorsement and liquor liability included if serving alcohol
- Proof of COVID-19 Temporary Catering Authorization license