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square-foot exhibit hall, 83,000 square feet of meeting room space, a ballroom able to comfortably seat 1,600 ... Performing Arts Center. Additionally, over 2,500 hotel rooms are within walking distance of the ConventionURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-14-adopted-budget-webpage/05-fy-14-title-and-demographics
City Manager
Marketing (as Tourist Destination), Convention-related Hotel Bookings, Convention Sales, Concierge Services, ... 230% 121% 230 # of Convention-related Definite Hotel Room Bookings 236,021 225,000 225,000 100% 225,000URL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-11-adopted-budget-webpage/17-city-manager
City Manager's Proposed Budget Messages with Attachments
measures to address the structural deficit can be found in the Financial Strategic Plan section of the ... and were adopted as written. The memo can be found as Attachment A. CM 4 Key General Fund restorationsURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-06-adopted-budget-webpage/adopted___proposed_budget_message
CM Budget Transmittal
including the Long Beach Museum of Art, Broadlind Hotel, Fire Station No. 10, and The Wilmore building ... - HVAC upgrade for the technology equipment room at the ECOC that houses the CAD/RMS system, videoURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-15-adopted-budget-webpage/cm-budget-transmittal
b_ Budget Book PartII
000 Convert existing downstairs bathroom/locker room to separate male and female bath- rooms, expand ... impact will result in increased tax revenue such as hotel transient occupancy taxes to the City once it isURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-17-adopted-budget-webpage/cm-msg-and-exec-sum
City Manager
Marketing (as Tourist Destination), Convention-related Hotel Bookings, Convention Sales, Concierge Services, ... increased convention-related hotel room bookings in the city. Hotel room bookings result in TransientURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-14-adopted-budget-webpage/16-city-manager
City Manager
Marketing (as Tourist Destination), Convention-related Hotel Bookings, Convention Sales, Concierge Services, ... increased convention-related hotel room bookings in the city. Hotel room bookings result in TransientURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-13-adopted-budget-webpage/16-city-manager
Adopted FY 15 Book
including the Long Beach Museum of Art, Broadlind Hotel, Fire Station No. 10, and The Wilmore building ... - HVAC upgrade for the technology equipment room at the ECOC that houses the CAD/RMS system, videoURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-15-adopted-budget-webpage/adopted-fy-15-book-1-
Understanding the City's Budget
Center’s facilities square-foot exhibit hal of meeting room spac comfortably seat 1,6 arena and two theaters ... 600-seat in the elegant Long Arts Center. 00 hotel rooms are e of the Convention The Aquarium ofURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-10-adopted-budget-webpage/part-2
Preface and City Manager's Proposed Budget Message with Attachments Ordinannces and Resolutions
measures to address the structural deficit can be found in the Financial Strategic Plan section of the ... amended, along with the FY 07 budget and can be found as Attachment B. The BOC’s final report is onlineURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-07-adopted-budget-webpage/07-adop-cover--preface--letter-and-ords