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“professor tanya storch’s
Appeal Court Decision
emails at issue to Hobelman. As to the security force work schedules, Cunningham further admitted that ... testified that the Airport considers security force work schedules to be SSI due to the importanceURL/globalassets/city-attorney/media-library/documents/press-releases/appeals-court-decision-cunningham-v_-colb
City Attorney Opinion regarding Federal Inspection Station
carrier flights per day. The City then formed a task force to conduct a study of airport operations in ... including the Noise Ordinance, which remains in full force and effect to this day. In addition, and importantlyURL/globalassets/city-attorney/media-library/documents/press-releases/city-attorneys-opinion-dated-10-4-16
City Attorney Opinion FIS Feasibilty Study Results
carrier flights per day. The City then formed a task force to conduct a study of airport operations in ... including the Noise Ordinance, which remains in full force and effect to this day. In addition, and importantlyURL/globalassets/city-attorney/media-library/documents/press-releases/fis-opinion-with-exhibits
City Council Study Session Staff Report 20151208
City Council Study Session Staff Report 20151208 ... that the 'standard' aircraft SENEL is 94.4 dBA. The task of converting the actual SENEL to an equivalentURL/globalassets/city-attorney/media-library/documents/press-releases/20151208-staff-report-to-city-council-and-attachments
OPINION AND ORDER on SCIG Petitions for Writ of Mandate (3-30-2016)
OPINION AND ORDER on SCIG Petitions for Writ of Mandate (3-30-2016) ... more reasonable,” for, on factual questions, our task “is not to weigh conflicting evidence and determineURL/globalassets/city-attorney/media-library/documents/press-releases/opinion-and-order-on-scig-petitions-for-writ-of-mandate--3-30-2016-