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hoarding task force' ,
hoarding task force; ,
hoarding task force'" ,
1 (562) 57'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"0-5000 ,
“traffic circle” pacific ,
“encroachment permit”
FY 16 Mayor's Budget Recommendations
support the Long Beach Innovation Team, whose first task is to enhance economic development efforts, which ... strengthening our police services by maintaining force capacity and enhancing training opportunitiesURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/mayor-garcia-fy16-budget-message
City Manager
Beach Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Task Force (Task Force) began its second phase towards achieving ... recognizing both long and short-term goals. The Task Force focus areas during this time period have beenURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-07-adopted-budget-webpage/city-manager-fy-07-adop
Investigation Task Force to improve the detection, apprehension and prosecution of arson crimes. The Task Force ... Station 17 Staffing. Split current six-person Light Force 17 unit into one four-person truck and one three-personURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-12-adopted-budget-webpage/21-fire
City Manager
work of the Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Task Force to develop specific strategies to address complex ... Long Beach Youth and Gang Violence Prevention Task Force completed its first phase towards achievingURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-06-adopted-budget-webpage/city_manager
will require the maintenance of the current light force at station 17, taking an engine out of service and ... the Joint Fire and Police Arson Investigation Task Force to improve detection and prosecution of arsonURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-13-adopted-budget-webpage/21-fire
FY 2014 (Oct_ 1, 2014 - Sept_ 30, 2015)
..................................... 7 Labor Force, Employment and Unemployment Annual Average Statistics ... Leia and Darth Vader – not because they used the force to make it happen, but because those ships areURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/treasury/fy-2015-disclosure-03-15-16-final
Public Safety Continuum - Police Fire and Disaster Preparedness 8-9-16
Public Safety Continuum - Police Fire and Disaster Preparedness 8-9-16 ... in the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report • Conducted Force Science Training •URL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-workshops/fy-17-budget-hearing-and-workshops/public-safety-continuum---police-fire-and-disaster-preparedness-8-9-16
02 City Attorney
damage, alleged civil rights violations, excessive force, labor and employment disputes, dangerous conditions ... Council, Planning Commission and Medical Marijuana Task Force. 66 City of Long Beach FY 15 AccomplishmentsURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/lw
Governmental Reform
Governmental Reform ... complexities associated with a consolidation, a task force of Police and Fire personnel, as well as theURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-12-adopted-budget-webpage/10b-government-reform
Intelligence Centers and various crime-focused, joint task forces will optimize the use of crime-fighting ... Conducted numerous crime-specific, targeted overtime Task Force operations to impact auto theft, auto burglaryURL/globalassets/finance/media-library/documents/city-budget-and-finances/budget/budget-documents/fy-06-adopted-budget-webpage/police