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PIZZA WITH A PURPOSE BENEFITING PINK PATCH PROJECT The Long Beach Police Department and Long Beach PoliceURL/police/news/pizza-with-a-purpose/
Become a Friend
City Web Pages
Center to cultivate among all members of the community a sense of respect, understanding and stewardship of ... world. Make checks out to Partners of Parks, which is a registered 501c3 and are tax deductible to the extentURL/park/park-and-facilities/parks-centers-pier/el-dorado-nature-center/become-a-friend/
(Khmer) Hepatitis A FAQ
(Khmer) Hepatitis A FAQURL/globalassets/health/media-library/documents/diseases-and-condition/hep-a/-khmer--hepatitis-a-faq
(Tagalog) Hepatitis A FAQ
(Tagalog) Hepatitis A FAQURL/globalassets/health/media-library/documents/diseases-and-condition/hep-a/-tagalog--hepatitis-a-faq
Argument Against Measure A
Argument Against Measure AURL/globalassets/city-clerk/media-library/documents/elections/2020/argument-against-measure-a
Measure A Ordinance Language2
Measure A Ordinance Language2URL/globalassets/city-clerk/media-library/documents/elections/2020/measure-a-ordinance-language2
Why a Policy?
Why a Policy?URL/globalassets/health/media-library/documents/planning-and-research/plans/healthy-food-and-beverage-policy/why-a-policy
Opening a Food Facility
Opening a Food FacilityURL/globalassets/health/media-library/documents/inspections-and-reporting/inspections/bureau-of-environmental-health/food-safety/opening-a-food-facility
Dawn A. McIntosh
City Web Pages
Dawn A. McIntosh City Attorney Background and Experience Dawn McIntosh was elected Long Beach City Attorney ... on June 7, 2022. City Attorney Dawn McIntosh has a broad breadth of legal experience for both publicURL/attorney/city-attorney/dawn-a--mcintosh/
Report a Gas Leak
City Web Pages
Report a Natural Gas Leak If you suspect a natural gas leak, take others with you and immediately evacuate ... evacuate the area. From a safe location, call Long Beach Energy Resources emergency line at 562.570.2140URL/energyresources/report-a-gas-leak/