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It's A New Day
It's A New Day ... It's A New DayURL/globalassets/health/media-library/documents/homeless-services-devision/coc-project-applications/it-s-a-new-day
We are Measure A
are Measure A We are Measure A In 2016, Long Beach voters approved Measure A, authorizing a 10-year increase ... motion: They are currently involved in several Measure A - funded projects, all dedicated to the maintenanceURL/insidelb/blogs/we-are-measure-a/
Measure A Ordinance Language2
Measure A Ordinance Language2URL/globalassets/city-clerk/media-library/documents/elections/2020/measure-a-ordinance-language2
Creating a Sustainable City
Creating a Sustainable City Creating a Sustainable Long Beach Dear Friends, In honor of Earth Month ... Month, I wrote an op-ed in this week’s Grunion Gazette discussing the dire impacts of global climate changeURL/district1/news/creating-a-sustainable-city/
City of Long Beach Takes a Look Back at 2017
Press Releases
CM:122117B City of Long Beach Takes a Look Back at 2017 The City of Long Beach is proud to release ... release the 2017 Year in Review, a comprehensive review of the City’s accomplishments and accolades for theURL/press-releases/city-of-long-beach-takes-a-look-back-at-2017/
How to File a Claim
City Web Pages
Before you File a Claim If your claim involves damages related to your sewer or water line, please contact ... additional information on the City’s Tree Maintenance Policy. Filing a Claim Pursuant to the CaliforniaURL/attorney/how-to-file-a-claim/
publish English businesses should have a plan
publish English businesses should have a planURL/globalassets/disaster-preparedness/media-library/documents/work-place-preparedness/publish-english-businesses-should--have-a-plan----
Measure A
City Web Pages
A HISTORIC INVESTMENT IN PUBLIC SAFETY & INFRASTRUCTURE Measure A is a Long Beach ballot initiative approved ... approved by voters in 2016 as a 10-year sales tax to fund public infrastructure and public safety servicesURL/citymanager/measure-a/
publish Spanish businesses should have a plan
publish Spanish businesses should have a planURL/globalassets/disaster-preparedness/media-library/documents/work-place-preparedness/publish-spanish-businesses-should--have-a-plan----
“A Flight to History” Centennial Commemoration Mural
“A Flight to History” Centennial Commemoration Mural Long Beach Airport (LGB) is commemorating its centennial ... with the addition of a new public art installation. The large vinyl mural, "A Flight to History," byURL/lgb/about-us/public-art/a-flight-to-history-centennial-commemoration-mural/