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- Measure A Page URL/
A Call for Argument Writers
Press Releases
03032016 03032016 A Call for Argument Writers City Clerk Calls for Argument Authors For the Two Local ... On June 7, 2016, the City of Long Beach will hold a Consolidated Municipal Election at which voters willURL/cityclerk/press-releases/a-call-for-argument-writers/
20160930.A - APPENDIX A - Market Analysis
20160930.A - APPENDIX A - Market AnalysisURL/globalassets/lgb/community-information/fis-feasibility-study/20160930-a---appendix-a---market-analysis
Exhibit A
Exhibit AURL/globalassets/city-manager/media-library/documents/tidelands-capital-impovement-division/beach-pedestrian-path/exhibit-a
160310_Final_Green_TI_Reduced_Size a
160310_Final_Green_TI_Reduced_Size aURL/globalassets/lbcd/media-library/documents/orphans/green-ti/160310_final_green_ti_reduced_size-a
Donate to a Food Rescue Organization
City Web Pages
Donate to a Food Rescue Organization The City of Long Beach recommends working with a local organization to ... from your business or home to a food rescue organization: Contribute to a worthwhile cause that helpsURL/lbrecycles/waste-reduction/edible-food-recovery/donate-to-food-organization/
Measure A
City Web Pages
A HISTORIC INVESTMENT IN PUBLIC SAFETY & INFRASTRUCTURE Measure A is a Long Beach ballot initiative approved ... approved by voters in 2016 as a 10-year sales tax to fund public infrastructure and public safety servicesURL/citymanager/measure-a/
publish English businesses should have a plan
publish English businesses should have a planURL/globalassets/disaster-preparedness/media-library/documents/work-place-preparedness/publish-english-businesses-should--have-a-plan----
Attachment A - OJT Employer Agreement.docx
Attachment A - OJT Employer Agreement.docxURL/globalassets/economic-development/talent--workforce/policies/ojt/attachment-a---ojt-employer-agreement-docx