Tips for Smokers

If you smoke, you can prevent cigarette litter by:

  • Always making sure your butts are placed in a receptacle, and never thrown on the ground, out a car window, or into the water
  • Having a pocket ashtray for when you’re out and about
  • Preventing cigarette litter all together by quitting smoking

Stop smoking classes in Long Beach are offered through Nicotine Anonymous and several local hospitals. View a brochure of resources available in Long Beach. Call 1-800-NO-BUTTS for more information, or visit

Did you know that as you snuff out that last cigarette:

  • Within 20 minutes: Blood pressure, body temperature and pulse rate drop to normal
  • Within 8 hours: Smokers-Breath disappears
  • Within 24 hours: Risk of heart attack decreases
  • Within 2-3 months: Lung capacity increases, circulation improves, and walking becomes easierzrw
  • Within 1 year: Excess risk of coronary heart disease is half that of a person who smokes
  • Within 2 years: Heart attack risk drops back to normal

For more information call the Long Beach Department of Public Health’s Tobacco Education Program at (562) 570-7950, or visit their website.