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El Dorado Regional Stormwater Capture Project

El Dorado Regional Stormwater Capture Project

Additional project updates and information will be published on an on-going basis.

Latest Updates - June 2023

Please join the City of Long Beach via Zoom on June 28, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. for an online community meeting to discuss future upgrades to regional stormwater improvements in the El Dorado Area.

Please register for this meeting prior to the meeting date at https://bit.ly/edrscpcm1. Individuals will receive meeting invitations via e-mail.

  • March 2023 Update

    The City is finalizing the 60% Design of the Project in late Spring 2023 and expects to have the 100% Design finalized by Fall 2023.

    Feasibility studies are being conducted in coordination with the Los Angeles County Sanitation District to determine whether the diversion and treatment of stormwater to the Long Beach Water Reclamation Plant is possible.

Project Information

The El Dorado Regional Stormwater Capture Project is an expansive, multi-benefit project that will achieve reductions of pollutants in accordance with the Lower San Gabriel River Watershed Management Program (LSGR WMP). The proposed 10.3 acre-foot (3,356,270 gallons) vegetated storage ponds will be designed to capture and treat polluted stormwater that has been diverted from the Artesia-Norwalk Drain before entering Coyote Creek, and eventually the Lower San Gabriel River.  The project was identified by the LSGR WMP as a feasible candidate to address the pollutant Total Maximum Daily Limits (TMDLs) adopted by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Board.  El Dorado Park is well known as one of the best open area recreation parks in the City, and this stormwater treatment project would improve upon the park area as the project site is currently not available for recreational use.

The geographical location of this project may also provide another benefit to the City as it lies just north of the Long Beach Water Reclamation Plant (LBWRP).  If feasible, this project will divert and supply stormwater to the LBWRP, which has the potential for significant pollutant load reduction and an increased water supply to Long Beach Water. 

Why is it important?

The project will improve upon the existing green space and add recreational area at El Dorado Park, while simultaneously providing substantial reduction of polluted runoff to Coyote Creek.  Additionally, the creation of the 10.3 acre-foot vegetated storage pond will protect public health by reducing pollutants to downstream waterbodies and increase drought preparedness by increasing storage for treated stormwater.  The El Dorado Regional Stormwater Capture Project can achieve the goals identified in the LSGR WMP.

Main Program Components

  • 10.3 Acre Foot capacity vegetated storage pond
  • Stormwater Treatment
  • Pollutant Reduction in Coyote Creek
  • 5 Constructed vegetated storage ponds
  • Creation of Open Space for recreation
  • Increased Water Supply
  • Native Plants and shrubs in the newly renovated park area

Project Funding

The Design Phase of this project is currently supported by the Safe Clean Water Program (Measure W).

More Information