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Davies Boat Launch Facility Improvements

Davies Boat Launch Ramp Photo

Additional project updates and information will be published on an on-going basis.

Latest Updates - August 2024

After receiving grant funding for engineering, permitting, material, and construction improvements, the City finalized construction documents for the project. In September 2023, the project was advertised for public bidding, with final bids received in November 2023. The bids received exceeded the available project budget, resulting in the rejection of all bids. The project team has been actively involved in value engineering and redesign efforts to ensure that the new project design aligns with the approved budget.

The project team is committed to moving forward with a design that satisfies both the City's standards and approved project budget. Stay tuned for updates on when the project will be re-bid.

  • March 2023 Update

    In January 2023, the City was awarded $6,000,000 for engineering, permitting, material, and construction improvements for the project. Acceptance and appropriation of the grant is expected in March 2023. In 2022, with the support of earlier DBW Grant and Tidelands funding, the City began the engineering, design, and permitting phases to rehabilitate and improve the Davies Launch Ramp.

    On March 9, 2023, a project update presentation was given to the Marine Advisory Commission.

Project Information

The Davies Boat Launch Facility Improvements Project involves renovation of the existing boat launching facilities, including replacement of the existing launch ramp, restroom, boat wash station, parking lot surfacing, and lighting. Additional improvements include a fish cleaning station, trash enclosure, and updated entrance kiosk.

On January 21, 2020, the City Council authorized the City Manager, or designee, to accept and expend grant funding from the State of California Department of Parks and Recreation, Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) to develop designs for improvements to Davies Boat Launch Facility.

On December 7, 2022, the City Council authorized the City Manager, or designee, to sign a grant application to DBW for engineering, permitting, material, and construction of the improvements.

Project Funding

This project is funded by a combination of DBW grant funds and Tidelands funds.

Project Contact


More Information

Davies Boat Launch Facility Improvements Project Presentation - March 9, 2023