Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Project
Additional project updates and information will be published on an on-going basis.
General Reminders:
- Farmer's Market remains open Wednesdays 3:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
- Please continue to follow traffic detour signs
Latest Updates: September - October 2024
October 21, 2024 Update: The temporary pedestrian path connecting Colorado St and Eliot St will be rerouted to the Eliot St bridge sidewalk in the next two weeks. Once rerouted, pedestrians will access the Eliot St bridge sidewalk from the Marina Vista Park bike path (adjacent to the tennis courts) and the sidewalk near Paoli Way/Appian Way & 3rd St. Please pay attention to detour notices and signs.A. General Update
Construction reached an important milestone over the past month - tidal exchange was rerouted from the temporary diversion channel at Marine Stadium to the new Eliot Street Bridge channel! Remaining portions of the existing culvert near Colorado Lagoon continue to provide tidal exchange while Colorado Street bridge channel construction continues.
The temporary pedestrian path is anticipated to be rerouted between September and October as channel construction progresses. Notices will be posted at the current temporary path location once a date has been confirmed.
It has been a great summer to swim at the lagoon - for the latest recreational water monitoring results at Colorado Lagoon, please refer to the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Environmental Health website:
As a reminder, past presentations and other documents are available at the bottom of the page, you can view and download the latest presentation here and an updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), is available here.
B. Colorado Street Bridge Construction – WORK ON-GOING
- Construction of the south wing walls and south invert is nearing completion. Additional utility relocation work is planned to clear the way for the Colorado Street bridge and channel. Several utilities have already been relocated in this area, additional utilities will be temporarily relocated, and some utilities will be permanently relocated to the utility structure, overhead, or underground. Utility work is expected to continue for multiple months and must be completed in planned sequence to ensure utility services are not disrupted.
Colorado Street: South Wing walls, Utility Bridge and North Wing walls
C. Eliot Street Bridge Construction – WORK ON-GOING
- The diversion channel for the existing underground box culvert was rerouted through the new bridge structure so that road work can continue on both sides of the bridge. Work planned at Eliot Street includes grading, utility installation, roadway and sidewalk placement.
Eliot Street: Bridge channel during construction, Tidal flow rerouted through bridge channel
D. Marina Vista Park – WORK ON-GOING
- Earthwork is still in progress at Marina Vista Park. Excess soils have been hauled offsite and some stockpiles remain for future use. Work planned includes grading, irrigation pipe and power conduit installation.
E. Excavation, Stockpiling, Export – WORK ONGOING
- Soils from earthwork activities including excavation of the bridge and open channel are stockpiled and reused depending on soil characteristics to support conditions for habitat restoration, road and bridge backfill, and turf establishment. Excess soils are hauled offsite. These earthwork activities will be ongoing through the project duration. Additional abatement activities associated with utility relocation and demolition may occur as-needed in accordance with regulatory requirements.
- GENERAL UPDATE: Road closures remain in effect and are expected to continue through early 2025. Colorado Street and Eliot Street construction zones are closed to all traffic. A temporary pedestrian path is open and can be accessed from Colorado Street near Panama Ave and Eliot Street near 3rd St.
Please see the "More Information" section at the bottom of this webpage for additional information.
July - August 2024 Update
As reported in the July-August update and June Community meeting, the diversion channel for the existing underground box culvert is being re-routed through the new Eliot St. bridge structure. Before tidal flows can be rerouted, there are several phased and monitored activities associated with this work including fish exclusion, temporary closure of the culvert, removal of marine growth and sediment from the culvert, demolition, and earthwork. Removal of marine growth and sediment in the culvert was conducted during Phase 1 of lagoon restoration and also when the diversion channel was established at Eliot Street for this phase. Marine growth and sediment are typically submerged; natural decomposition processes produce odors that can be carried by wind when marine growth and sediment are exposed to air. Temporary odors during these activities are typical and can vary with weather conditions. Odors are anticipated to decrease as current culvert demolition activities progress. Environmental monitoring at the lagoon continues during these activities.
For the latest recreational water monitoring results at Colorado Lagoon, please refer to the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services, Bureau of Environmental Health website:
Updates: July - August 2024A. General Update
Thank you for joining us at the Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Virtual Meeting on June 12th! The project team presented the status of the project, shared key highlights and upcoming milestones, and addressed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from residents and the community.If you missed the meeting, you can view and download the presentation here, and an updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), is available here.
B. Colorado Street Bridge Construction – WORK ON-GOING
- JULY - AUGUST UPDATE: Work expected in July and August includes construction of the south wing walls, south invert, and additional utility relocation to allow construction of the Reinforced Concrete Box Bridge structure. Several utilities have already been relocated in this area, additional utilities will be temporarily relocated, and some utilities will be permanently relocated to the utility structure, overhead, or underground. Utility work is expected to continue for multiple months and must be completed in planned sequence to ensure utility services are not disrupted.
Colorado Street: Completed Utility Structure
C. Eliot Street Bridge Construction – WORK ON-GOING- JULY - AUGUST UPDATE: Work expected in July and August includes construction of the bridge deck that will carry Eliot Street. Bridge deck work includes sidewalks, bike lanes, road base, barriers, and handrails. The diversion channel for the existing underground box culvert will be re-routed through the new bridge structure so that road work can continue on both sides of the bridge. Re-routing the diversion channel is phased and monitored to ensure the hydraulic connection and water quality at the Lagoon and Alamitos Bay is maintained during construction.
Eliot Street: Aerial view of bridge structure progress - ground level view of completed wingwalls D. Marina Vista Park – WORK ON-GOING
- JULY - AUGUST UPDATE: Work expected in July and August includes beginning construction of Marina Vista Park. Subgrade will be established to enable irrigation work to begin. Additional activities include rough-in for power and installation of the baseball field backstop.
E. Excavation, Stockpiling, Export – WORK ONGOING
- JULY - AUGUST UPDATE: Soils from earthwork activities including excavation of the bridge and open channel are stockpiled and reused depending on soil characteristics to support conditions for habitat restoration, road and bridge backfill, and turf establishment. Excess soils are hauled offsite. These earthwork activities will be ongoing through the project duration. Additional abatement activities associated with utility relocation and demolition may occur as-needed in accordance with regulatory requirements.
- GENERAL UPDATE: Road closures remain in effect and are expected to continue through early 2025. Colorado Street and Eliot Street construction zones are closed to all traffic. A temporary pedestrian path is open and can be accessed from Colorado Street near Panama Ave and Eliot Street near 3rd St.
Please see the "More Information" section at the bottom of this webpage for additional information. - JULY - AUGUST UPDATE: Work expected in July and August includes construction of the south wing walls, south invert, and additional utility relocation to allow construction of the Reinforced Concrete Box Bridge structure. Several utilities have already been relocated in this area, additional utilities will be temporarily relocated, and some utilities will be permanently relocated to the utility structure, overhead, or underground. Utility work is expected to continue for multiple months and must be completed in planned sequence to ensure utility services are not disrupted.
May - June 2024 Update
Thank you for joining us at the Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Virtual Meeting on June 12th! The project team presented the status of the project, shared key highlights and upcoming milestones, and addressed Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from residents and the community.
If you missed the meeting, you can view and download the presentation here. To view the previous FAQ, please visit the More Information section of this project page. Please check back soon as we are working to update the current FAQs that address the most recent project inquiries we have received.
A. General Update
A Community Meeting is tentatively planned for June 2024, details will be posted on the project website. A Frequently Asked Questions link has been added to the project website, you can check it out here.
B. Colorado Street Bridge Construction – WORK ON-GOING
- MAY - JUNE UPDATE: Work expected in May and June includes additional utility relocation to allow construction of the remaining portions of the bridge. Additional utilities will be temporarily relocated and some utilities will be permanently relocated to the utility structure, overhead, or underground. Utility work is expected to continue for multiple months and must be completed in planned sequence to ensure utility services are not disrupted.
Colorado Street: Completed Utility Structure.
C. Eliot Street Bridge Construction – WORK ON-GOING- MAY - JUNE UPDATE: Work expected in May and June includes completing the Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) structure that will carry Eliot Street. This includes pouring the bridge deck and wing walls so that street construction work can begin. The diversion channel for the existing underground box culvert remains in service at Eliot Street, this temporary structure maintains the hydraulic connection between the Lagoon and Alamitos Bay (see earlier updates).
Eliot Street: Rebar and form work for upcoming concrete pours at the deck and wingalls.D. Excavation, Stockpiling, Export – WORK ON-GOING
- MAY - JUNE UPDATE: Soils from earthwork activities including excavation for the bridge foundations and open channel are currently stockpiled on site and some export activities began in April. These export activities will increase in May and June. During these activities additional abatement work will continue as-need for removal and handling of asbestos containing materials from old utility lines in accordance with regulatory requirements. Additional excavation and earthwork will continue throughout the project as the work progresses, the next steps in excavation and export activities will allow irrigation work to begin in Marina Vista Park.
- GENERAL UPDATE: Road closures remain in effect and are expected to continue through 2024. Colorado Street and Eliot Street construction zones are closed to all traffic. A temporary pedestrian path is open and can be accessed from Colorado Street near Panama Ave and Eliot Street near 3rd St.
For monthly newsletter updates, please see the "More Information" section at the bottom of this webpage. -
March - April 2024 Update
A. Colorado Street Bridge Construction – WORK ON-GOING
o MAR - APR UPDATE: Work expected in March and April includes the completion of the utility bridge structure and installation of supporting wing walls. Additionally, temporary utilities which are currently in service will be relocated permanently to the utility bridge structure. Utility work is anticipated to continue for multiple months.Colorado Street: Completed Utility Bridge Structure and construction of wing walls continues
B. Eliot Street Bridge Construction – WORK ON-GOING
MAR-APR UPDATE: Work expected in March and April includes continued construction of the Eliot Street Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) bridge and supporting wingwalls. At Eliot Street, a portion of the existing underground box culvert has been demolished to facilitate construction of the Eliot Street RCB bridge. Temporary structures continue to maintain the hydraulic connection between the Lagoon and Alamitos Bay (see earlier updates).
Eliot Street: Concrete invert (bottom of RCB) has been poured and construction of RCB walls continues
C. Excavation, Stockpiling, Export – WORK ON-GOINGo MAR-APR UPDATE: Soils from earthwork activities including excavation for the bridge foundations and open channel are currently stockpiled on site and planned for export in April. Abatement activities continue for removal and handling of asbestos containing materials from old utility lines in accordance with regulatory requirements. Additional excavation and earthwork is expected to continue throughout the project as the work progresses.
• GENERAL UPDATE: Due to construction delays, road closures remain in effect and are expected to continue through 2024. The City is working with the Contractor on an updated schedule, which may include resequencing certain aspects of work to help facilitate the reopening of streets.
January-February 2024 Update
- Colorado and Eliot Street Bridge Construction – WORK ON-GOING
- JANUARY - FEBRUARY UPDATE: Work expected in January and February includes the continued construction of the utility bridge structure along Colorado Street, as well as the Eliot Street Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) Bridge. Once the Colorado Street utility bridge is completed and operational, temporary utilities which are currently in service, will be relocated permanently to the structure and construction of the Colorado Street vehicular bridge can begin. At Eliot Street, a portion of the existing underground box culvert has been demolished to facilitate the construction of the Eliot Street RCB Bridge. Temporary structures have been installed to help maintain the hydraulic connection between the Lagoon to Alamitos Bay (see earlier updates).
Colorado Street: Forming "walls" of utility bridge
Eliot Street: Demo'd existing box culvert and at subgrade for new RCB
- JANUARY - FEBRUARY UPDATE: Work expected in January and February includes the continued construction of the utility bridge structure along Colorado Street, as well as the Eliot Street Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) Bridge. Once the Colorado Street utility bridge is completed and operational, temporary utilities which are currently in service, will be relocated permanently to the structure and construction of the Colorado Street vehicular bridge can begin. At Eliot Street, a portion of the existing underground box culvert has been demolished to facilitate the construction of the Eliot Street RCB Bridge. Temporary structures have been installed to help maintain the hydraulic connection between the Lagoon to Alamitos Bay (see earlier updates).
- Excavation, Stockpiling, Export - WORK ON-GOING
- JANUARY - FEBRUARY UPDATE: Soils resulting from earthwork activities such as excavation for the bridge foundation construction is currently stockpiled on site and awaiting disposal pending results of required landfill testing. Soils are expected to be offhauled in March and April of this year. Additional excavation and earthwork is expected to continue throughout the project as the work progresses.
- JANUARY - FEBRUARY UPDATE: Additional shorings is expected to accommodate a redesign associated with the County Sanitation District's sewer siphon. This work is slated to occur in early 2024. During this time, the public is expected to feel some moderate vibrations and sound resulting from the pile installation methods (vibratory hammer).
- GENERAL UPDATE – Due to construction delays, road closures remain in effect and are expected to last after summer 2024. The City is working with the Contractor on an updated schedule, which may include re-sequencing certain aspects of work to help facilitate the reopening of streets.
For monthly newsletter updates, please see the "More Information" section at the bottom of this webpage. - Colorado and Eliot Street Bridge Construction – WORK ON-GOING
November-December 2023 Update
The City of Long Beach recently hosted a virtual community meeting to provide recent updates on the Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Project. The meeting was held via Zoom on Wednesday, December 13, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting presentation can be found here.
Construction Look Ahead (November through December 2023)- Excavation, Stockpiling, and Fill Work – WORK ON-GOING
- Excavation along the future footprint of the open channel commenced in July 2023, but excavation across other parts of the site will continue as room is made for the bridge construction. Fill material here is comprised of a mix of debris, soil, and topsoil, and the contractor will continue the separation of materials for reuse or disposal. Soil excavated from this footprint was used to backfill the prisms noted above, and debris will be off-hauled to a landfill.
- NOV-DEC UPDATE: Work expected in November and December includes excavating and constructing the utility bridge structure along Colorado Street. This includes subgrade excavation, new foundation work which will consist of installing rebar, and pouring concrete. Once the utility bridge is completed and operational, temporary utilities currently in service will be relocated permanently to the utility bridge and construction of the Colorado Street Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) Bridge can begin. Eliot Street (RCB) Bridge construction will be constructed in parallel, with minor lag between the two.
- High quality material has been exported to support other nearby City projects with an additional 7,000 cy of additional of export expected in November and December 2023.
Construction Photo Exporting to Davenport Park
- Shoring Installation at Eliot Street – DELAYS EXPERIENCED AND WORK ON-GOING
- Description of Work and Timing: The City’s Contractor began the demolition of Eliot Street (late March 2023) to allow for the installation of sheet piles. The sheet piles will be utilized as a temporary water diversion structure, and will connect to the existing underground box culvert. This temporary structure will allow for the continued tidal flushing of the lagoon for it to remain healthy and thriving.
- This effort will allow for a portion of the old underground box culvert to be demolished and allow for the construction of the new reinforced concrete boxes (RCBs) bridges.
- NOV-DEC UPDATE: The temporary diversion channel opened early October, enabling demolition of a portion of the existing box culvert and allows for the excavation required for the new reinforced concrete boxes (RCBs) bridges to begin. An image of the diversion channel serving as a temporary hydraulic connection is shown below. Some minor adjustments to the diversion structure was performed in November to address water loss.
Water Flowing through the Diversion Channel Construction Progress the Side of the Existing Box Culvert in order to redirect the water through the Diversion Channel
- Description of Work and Timing – Utility demolition and relocation continued through September 2023 as at least 17 additional unmapped utilities were discovered along both Eliot and Colorado Streets, though mainly at the Colorado Street alignment.
- In July 2023, in order to proceed with bridge construction at Colorado Street, the contractor and Long Beach Utilities installed a temporary 12in water main (also known as a bypass) in the vicinity of Colorado Street near the north edge of the Lagoon.
- The City worked with outside agencies, oil companies, and the Contractor for a variety of these abatement and removals as regulatory approvals are required to abate and demolish lines, that are constructed of asbestos-containing materials. The largest segment included an over 600 ft LADWP idle oil line and this work was completed in September 2023.
- In August and September, the City and Contractor worked with SCE to relocate utility duct banks and to also relocate and change out power poles. SCE replaced existing power poles with taller poles along Colorado Street to help support new height clearances required for the bridge and construction work (photos below).
- NOV-DEC UPDATE: In October 2023, the Contractor completed the removal of a 12in VCP sewer line which allows the contractor to begin excavation of the new Colorado Street utility bridge structure.
SCE Installing New Pole New Sewer Pipe Installation Along Eliot
- Description of Work and Timing – In January, the Contractor began installing shoring (sheetpile walls) to enable the excavation and installation of the new utility bridge structure at Colorado Street and that work was completed in the Spring.
- NOV-DEC UPDATE: Additional shoring is expected to accommodate a redesign associated with the County Sanitation District’s sewer siphon. This work has been rescheduled to early 2024. During that time, the public is expected to feel some moderate vibrations and sound resulting from the pile installation methods (vibratory hammer) later.
- UPDATE: Due to construction delays, road closures remain in effect and are anticipated to last past Summer 2024. Additional information will be provided by the end of the year related to updated timelines. The City is working with the Contractor to compress the schedule, potentially re-sequence certain aspects of work, and re-open the roads as soon as possible.
- Excavation, Stockpiling, and Fill Work – WORK ON-GOING
October-November 2023 Update
Construction Look Ahead (October through November 2023)
- Excavation, Stockpiling, and Fill Work – WORK ON-GOING
- Excavation along the future footprint of the open channel commenced in July 2023 but excavation across other parts of the site will continue as we room is made for the bridge construction. Fill material here is comprised of a mix of debris, soil, and topsoil and the contractor will continue the separation of materials for reuse or disposal. Soil excavated from this footprint was used to backfill the prisms noted above, and debris will be off-hauled to a landfill.
- High quality material has been exported to support other nearby City projects with an additional 7,000 cy of additional export to occur in October and November 2023.
Construction Photo Exporting to Davenport Park
- Shoring Installation at Eliot Street – DELAYS EXPERIENCED AND WORK ON-GOING
- Description of Work and Timing: The City’s Contractor began the demolition of Eliot Street (late March 2023) to allow for the installation of sheet piles. The sheet piles will be utilized as a temporary water diversion structure, and will connect to the existing underground box culvert. This temporary structure will allow for the continued tidal flushing of the lagoon for it to remain healthy and thriving.
- This effort will allow for a portion of the old underground box culvert to be demolished and allow for the construction of the new reinforced concrete boxes (RCBs) bridges.
- Latest update: The temporary diversion channel opened early October, enabling demolition of a portion of the existing box culvert and allows for the excavation required for the new reinforced concrete boxes (RCBs) bridges to begin. An image of the diversion channel serving as a temporary hydraulic connection is shown below.
Water Flowing through the Diversion Channel
Construction Progress the Side of the Existing Box
Culvert in order to redirect the water through the Diversion Channel
- Description of Work and Timing – Utility demolition and relocation continued through September 2023 as at least 16 additional unmapped utilities were discovered along both Eliot and Colorado Streets, though mainly at the Colorado segment.
- In July 2023, in order to proceed with bridge construction at Colorado Street, the contractor and Long Beach Utilities installed a temporary 12in water main (also known as a bypass) in the vicinity of Colorado Street near the north edge of the Lagoon.
- The City worked with outside agencies, oil companies, and the Contractor for a variety of these abatement and removals as regulatory approvals are required to abate and demolish lines, that are constructed of asbestos-containing materials. The largest segment included an over 600 ft LADWP idle oil line and this work was completed in September 2023.
- In August and September, the City and Contractor worked with SCE to relocate utility duct banks and to also relocate and change out power poles. SCE replaced existing power poles with taller poles along Colorado Street to help support new height clearances required for the bridge and construction work (photos below).
- Lastly in October, the Contractor is expected to proceed with the removal of a 12in VCP sewer line and plans to start the slopped exaction for the new Colorado Street utility bridge structure.
SCE Installing New Pole
New Sewer Pipe Installation Along Eliot
- Description of Work and Timing – In January, the Contractor began installing shoring (sheetpile walls) to enable the excavation and installation of the new utility bridge structure at Colorado Street and that work was completed in the Spring.
- UPDATE: However, additional shoring is expected to accommodate a redesign associated with the County Sanitation District’s sewer siphon. The public is expected to feel some moderate vibrations and sound resulting from the pile installation methods (vibratory hammer) later this year.
- Road Closures – REMAIN IN EFFECT
- Road closures remain in effect and are anticipated to last until Spring 2024. The City is working with the Contractor to compress the schedule and re-open the roads as soon as possible.
For monthly newsletter updates, please see the "More Information" section at the bottom of this webpage. - Excavation, Stockpiling, and Fill Work – WORK ON-GOING
May-June 2023 Update
Construction Look Ahead (May through June 2023)
- Marina Vista Park Excavation, Stockpiling, and Grading – WORK ON-GOING
At the beginning of the year, the City’s Contractor began major excavation efforts at Marina Vista Park. As part of the work, the Contractor created an excavation prism (large hole) to separate and borrow clean, high-quality material to be used as sediment fill within the Lagoon central basin.
The purpose of the central basin fill activities was to separate and harvest high-quality sediment to raise bottom elevations of the central lagoon to support overall habitat success—a requirement of the City’s regulatory approvals. The contractor completed the fill work in the Spring 2023 and restored the south beach.
Currently, excavation along the future footprint of the open channel has commenced. Fill material here is comprised of a mix of debris, soil, and topsoil and the contractor will continue the separation of materials for reuse or disposal. Soil excavated from this footprint will be used to backfill the prisms noted above, and debris will be off-hauled to a landfill. Material is currently being stockpiled on the east portion of Marina Vista Park to create room for the Contractors to work. Lastly, as part of the excavation efforts, dewatering wells were installed to allow for the construction of the Colorado Street Utility Bridge and additional temporary dewatering units will be placed at Marina Vista Park to help dewater highly saturated, excavated soils and groundwater from the open channel footprint.
Construction Photo of Channel Excavation Beginning - Shoring Installation at Eliot Street – DELAYS EXPERIENCED AND WORK ON-GOING Description of Work and Timing: The City’s Contractor began the demolition of Eliot Street (late March 2023) to allow for the installation of sheet piles. The sheet piles will be utilized as a temporary water diversion structure, and will connect to the existing underground box culvert. This temporary structure will allow for the continued tidal flushing of the lagoon for it to remain healthy and thriving.
This effort will allow for a portion of the old underground box culvert to be demolished and allow for the construction of the new reinforced concrete boxes (RCBs) bridges. The public is expected to feel some moderate vibrations and sound resulting from the pile installation methods (vibratory hammer). The installation of the shoring and diversion system is expected to continue to the end of May 2023.
In June, the City anticipates completing the temporary diversion structure and activating it as the lagoon’s primary hydraulic connection.
Construction Photo of Eliot Street Shoring Activities -
- Description of Work and Timing – Utility demolition is anticipated to continue through May and into June as additional unmapped utilities were discovered along both Eliot and Colorado Streets. Regulatory approvals are required to abate and demolish the lines, which are constructed of asbestos-containing materials. Anticipated utilities that are to be abated and removed include water lines, abandoned oil lines, idle oil lines, and conduits in duct banks.
- In June 2023, the Contractor will install a temporary water main to enable the sloped excavation for the Colorado Street Utility Bridge.
- Description of Work and Timing – In January, the Contractor began installing shoring (sheetpile walls) to enable the excavation and installation of the new utility bridge at Colorado Street and that work was completed in the Spring.
- However, additional shoring is expected to accommodate a redesign associated with the County sewer siphon. The public is expected to feel some moderate vibrations and sound resulting from the pile installation methods (vibratory hammer). Shoring associated with the sewer siphon installation is expected to be complete by June 2023.
- Restroom Demolition at Larry Curtis Park at Marine Stadium - COMPLETE
- Description of Work and Timing: The public restroom located at Larry Curtis Park at Marine Stadium was abated of hazardous building materials prior to its demolition.
- Temporary Pedestrian Path Re-route – NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
- Description of Work and Timing: The City’s Contractor completed the construction of the new temporary pedestrian path and pedestrian detour through Marina Vista Park.
- The pedestrian path and detour will be available while the sidewalk and bike lane along Eliot Street are closed (approximately 8 months). The path will be limited in width and will only be accessible to pedestrians and not motorists. Cyclists are asked to walk their bikes or slow down to 5 mph.
- Road Closures – REMAIN IN EFFECT
- Road closures remain in effect and are anticipated to last until Spring 2024. The City is working with the Contractor to compress the schedule and re-open the roads as soon as possible.
- Marina Vista Park Excavation, Stockpiling, and Grading – WORK ON-GOING
March 2023 Update
Upcoming Work (April 2023)
The work associated with the Colorado Lagoon central basin fill activities was extended to the week of March 20th for not having met design depths and elevations. Additional fill was performed, where low spots existed. For the past few months, the Contractor has been taking material from the Open Channel construction site (at Marina Vista Park) to the lagoon parking lot and hydraulically placing this fill material within the central basin to raise the bottom elevations of the central lagoon to support overall habitat as a requirement of the City’s regulatory approvals. The contractor is expected to begin demobilization in late March/April 2023.- Description of Work and Timing: Demobilization Will Commence and Continue to Mid-April 2023 – The City’s contractor will remove their equipment from the lagoon, and deconstruct their equipment and staging along the shoreline. The Contractor will be required to restore the sandy beach to its prior condition.
- *Please Note: Public access to the Colorado Lagoon Parking Lot and pedestrian bridge/floating walkway will return to normal after demobilization is complete. The parking lot and pedestrian bridge/walkway closure is only in effect during the Contractor's working hours (Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.).
- Description of Work and Timing: Demobilization Will Commence and Continue to Mid-April 2023 – The City’s contractor will remove their equipment from the lagoon, and deconstruct their equipment and staging along the shoreline. The Contractor will be required to restore the sandy beach to its prior condition.
- Temporary Pedestrian Path Re-Route - NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC
- The City’s Contractor completed the construction of the new temporary pedestrian path and pedestrian detour through Marina Vista Park. On the same day, the Contractor fenced off the existing pathways along Eliot Street and Marine Stadium Park in preparation of Eliot Street demolition and sheet piling.
The pedestrian path and detour will be available while the sidewalk and bike lane along Eliot Street are closed (approximately 8 months). The path will be limited in width and will only be accessible to pedestrians. Cyclists are asked to walk their bikes or slow down to 5 mph. New signage coming.
- The City’s Contractor completed the construction of the new temporary pedestrian path and pedestrian detour through Marina Vista Park. On the same day, the Contractor fenced off the existing pathways along Eliot Street and Marine Stadium Park in preparation of Eliot Street demolition and sheet piling.
- Shoring Installation at Eliot Street - COMMENCING
- Description of Work and Timing: The City’s Contractor began the demolition of Eliot Street (3/27) to allow for the installation of sheet piles. The sheet piles will support the creation of a temporary water diversion structure which will connect to the existing box culvert and allow for the continued tidal flushing of the lagoon to allow the lagoon to remain healthy and thriving. In addition, this will enable the existing box culvert to be demolished and create the footprint for the new reinforced concrete boxes (RCBs) for the new bridges. The public is expected to feel some moderate vibrations and sound resulting from the pile installation methods (vibratory hammer). Installation of the shoring and diversion system is expected to last 4 weeks and be complete by April 2023. However, depending on site and soil conditions encountered, sheet pile work may extend to May 2023 if more dense materials are encountered.
- Restroom Demolition at Larry Curtis Park at Marine Stadium - COMMENCING
- Description of Work and Timing:
- As part of the overall project, the publicrestroom located at Larry Curtis Park at Marine Stadium will be demolished. Abatement work began the week of March 27 and demolition will begin as soon as hazardous building materials abatement is complete and post-abatement testing is cleared. Work to demolish the restrooms is dependent on completion of abatement and may begin as early as April 10.
- Description of Work and Timing:
- Shoring Installation Along Colorado Street - ON HOLD
- Description of Work and Timing: In January, the Contractor began installing shoring (sheetpile walls) to enable the excavation and installation of the new utility bridge at Colorado Street. The public is expected to feel some moderate vibrations and sound resulting from the pile installation methods (vibratory hammer). Remaining sheetpile work has been placed on hold until confirmation of clearances and utility relocations.
- Utility Demolition - COMMENCING
- Description of Work and Timing: Looking ahead to April, the City’s Contractors will begin demolishing the restroom at Marine Stadium Park, and several utility relocations and removals are expected to occur. Private easements holders that maintain private oil lines along Eliot and Colorado Streets will begin the demolition and removal of those lines.
- SCE and Power Disruptions - COMMENCING
- Description of Work and Timing: The City and Contractor are in coordination with SCE related to work around existing power lines and any power line relocations or temporary adjustments. These activities may result in power shutdowns and would be limited to business hours. Prior to any temporary power disruptions, SCE will provide the requisite advisories and notices. The first anticipated power shut down is to occur on 4/11 associated with a cutover the Eliot Street duct bank to a temporary overhead line. This will only impact City buildings and facilities located along Marine Stadium. A second power disruption is expected later in the project as SCE conducts additional utility relocation.
- Road Closures - IN PROGRESS
- Road closures remain in effect and are anticipated to last until Spring 2024. The City is working with the Contractor to compress the schedule and re-open the roads as soon as possible.
February 2023 Update
Upcoming Work (February 2023 - March 2023)
- Central Basin Fill Activity - The Colorado Lagoon Public Parking Lot off Appian Way and the pedestrian bridge remain closed while the Contractor (Reyes Construction) continues the lagoon fill work. This work is being done to raise the bottom elevation of the Lagoon to create suitable habitat for eelgrass and improve the quality of the lagoon for plants and animals.
- Description of Work and Timing: Work is On-Going – The Contractor is hauling the fill material from the Open Channel construction site (at Marina Vista Park) to the lagoon parking lot. Using a hydraulic dredge, the material will then be placed in the lagoon. The placement of the fill began in January, expected to be complete in late February, and demobilization of construction equipment will be completed by mid-March.
- *Please note: the parking lot and pedestrian bridge/walkway closure is only in effect during the Contractor's working hours (Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.).
- Description of Work and Timing: Work is On-Going – The Contractor is hauling the fill material from the Open Channel construction site (at Marina Vista Park) to the lagoon parking lot. Using a hydraulic dredge, the material will then be placed in the lagoon. The placement of the fill began in January, expected to be complete in late February, and demobilization of construction equipment will be completed by mid-March.
- Shoring Installation Along Colorado Street: Work is On-Going
- Description of Work and Timing – In January, the Contractor began installing shoring (sheetpile walls) to enable the excavation and installation of the new utility bridge at Colorado Street. The public is expected to feel some moderate vibrations and sound resulting from the pile installation methods (vibratory hammer). Installation is on-going and expected to be complete in early March.
- Shoring Installation at Eliot Street: Work Pending
- Description of Work and Timing: At the Completion of the Shoring Installation Along Colorado (expected to be complete in March 2023), the Contractor will connect the temporary diversion structure to the existing box culvert near Eliot Street to support the tidal flushing of the lagoon while the work is underway. This will enable the existing box culvert to be demolished and create the footprint for the new reinforced concrete boxes (RCBs) to be constructed. The public is expected to feel some moderate vibrations and sound resulting from the pile installation methods (vibratory hammer). Installation of the shoring and diversion system is expected to last 4 weeks.
- Temporary Pedestrian Path Re-route
- Description of Work and Timing: March 2023 – The Contractor will be installing a detour and temporary pathway for the public, while the sidewalk and bike lane along Eliot Street are closed (approximately 8 months). The path will be limited in width and will only be accessible to pedestrians.
- Description of Work and Timing: March 2023 – The Contractor will be installing a detour and temporary pathway for the public, while the sidewalk and bike lane along Eliot Street are closed (approximately 8 months). The path will be limited in width and will only be accessible to pedestrians.
- SCE and Power Disruptions: Work Pending
- The City and Contractor are in coordination with SCE as sheetpiles necessary to support the construction are located near existing power lines. These activities may result in power shutdowns and would be limited to business hours. Prior to any temporary power disruptions, SCE will provide the requisite advisories and notices. This is the first anticipated power disruption. A second power disruption is expected later in the project as SCE conducts additional utility work to support the project.
- Road Closures – Road closures remain in effect and are anticipated to last until Spring 2024. The City is working with the Contractor to compress the schedule and re-open the roads as soon as possible.
- Central Basin Fill Activity - The Colorado Lagoon Public Parking Lot off Appian Way and the pedestrian bridge remain closed while the Contractor (Reyes Construction) continues the lagoon fill work. This work is being done to raise the bottom elevation of the Lagoon to create suitable habitat for eelgrass and improve the quality of the lagoon for plants and animals.
January 2023 Update
Project Reminders:- The Farmer's Market will remain open on Wednesdays from 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM.
- Please continue to follow traffic detour signs.
- Eliot Street remains closed. We ask the public for their support to adhere to road closures.
Upcoming Work (January 2023 - February 2023)
Central Basin Fill Activity - The Colorado Lagoon Public Parking Lot at Appian Way, in addition to the pedestrian bridge, will be closed while the contractor prepares for the Colorado Lagoon fill work. The fill is being done to raise bottom the elevation of the Lagoon in order to create a suitable habitat for eelgrass and improve the quality of the Lagoon for plants and animals.- Beginning the Week of January 3, 2023, the contractor will begin hauling the fill material from the Open Channel Construction Site (located at Marina Vista Park) to the Lagoon Parking Lot. Using a hydraulic dredge, the material will then be placed in the Lagoon.
- *Please note: the parking lot and pedestrian bridge/walkway closure is only in effect during the Contractor's working hours (Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM).
Shoring Installation Along Colorado Street - The Contractor has delivered its crane and sheet piles to the project site.
- Beginning the Week of January 3, 2023, the contractor will install shoring to enable the excavation and installation of the new utility bridge at Colorado Street. The public is expected to feel some moderate vibrations and hear sounds from the pile installation methods (vibratory hammer). Installation of the shoring system is expected to last three weeks.
SCE and Power Disruptions - The City and Contractor is in coordination with Southern California Edison (SCE) as some of the piles are located near existing power lines. These activities may result in power shut downs and would be limited to business hours. Prior to any temporary power disruptions, SCE will provide requisite advisories and notices to nearby residents and businesses.
November 2022 Update
Thank you to the community members and project partners that attended the Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Project Pre-construction Community Meeting. For sequence of events, roadway closures, and more, please review the November 7, 2022 Community Meeting Presentation. Project FAQs are forthcoming.
The City's contractor is scheduled to begin construction at Colorado Lagoon and Marina Vista Park in November 2022. Barring weather or other unforeseen delays, construction is estimated to be completed by Fall 2024.
- Contractor Start/Mobilization (November 2022)
- Colorado and Eliot Street Closures /Detour (Starting November 28 - 16 Months)
- Excavate and Fill Lagoon Central Basin (December 2022 - February 2023)
- Utility Relocation and Bridge (All of 2023)
- Habitat Restoration (Winter 2024 - Spring 2024)
- Park Rebuild (Spring 2024 - Summer 2024)
- Project Completion (Fall 2024)
The contractor encourages patrons to keep children away from the construction areas and activities.
Project Information
The Colorado Lagoon (Lagoon) is an 18-acre saltwater tidal lagoon located at 5119 East Colorado Street. It is hydraulically connected to Alamitos Bay and the Pacific Ocean through a 900-foot underground concrete box culvert located under Marina Vista Park. The Lagoon serves three primary functions: it hosts estuarine habitat, it provides public recreation (including swimming), and it retains and conveys storm water. The Lagoon site was formerly part of the vast Los Cerritos Wetlands and was naturally connected to what is now Marine Stadium.
Improvements to Colorado Lagoon are a part of a multi-phased Colorado Lagoon Restoration Plan which included previous improvements finished in 2010 and 2012. The final component of the Colorado Lagoon’s approved master restoration plan involves creating an open channel between the Colorado Lagoon and Marine Stadium. The City continues to work closely with its State and Federal Agency partners, as well as the Port of Long Beach, on the funding and construction of the upcoming open channel.
The most recent restoration improvements included hydraulic sediment dredging of the lagoon to ensure compliance with the Federal Clean Water Act and to meet the approved Colorado Lagoon sediment and water quality targets, as well as the creation of new subtidal and eelgrass habitats. Specific improvements on the north side of the Lagoon include installation of a new decomposed granite walking trail, pedestrian bridge improvements, reclaimed water irrigation system, replanting with native species, and a vegetated bioswale to assist with the removal of pollution from surface runoff water.
+Click photos below for larger view:
Project Contact, (310) 595-1243
More Information
- Colorado Lagoon Restoration Project Update - January 3, 2025
- Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Project - Asbestos Management Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Project Community Meeting Pressentation - June 12, 2024
- Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Project FAQ (June 2024)
- Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Project Community Meeting Presentation - December 13, 2023
- Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Project - February 2023 Newsletter
- Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Community Presentation – November 7, 2022
- Colorado Lagoon Open Channel Community Presentation – October 29, 2020