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3rd Street & Broadway Streetscape Project

**Project Update 2/14/19: We are in the final phases of this project - paving is underway! Street paving is happening on Broadway beginning at the 710 and going east; and on 3rd Street beginning at Alamitos and going west. We are anticipating major construction work to be complete by end of February (weather permitting).

Exciting improvements are coming to 3rd Street and Broadway! Westbound 3rd Street and Eastbound Broadway will be resurfaced and reconfigured from Golden Avenue to Alamitos Avenue to create a more pedestrian and bike-friendly streetscape. Examples of improvements include relocation of protected bike lanes to right side of the street to allow for better connections to existing and future bicycle facilities, as well as increased safety. The project also includes construction of new bus islands and ADA upgrades to sidewalks and curb ramps.

October 2018 Project Update: Construction on Segment 1 is underway! Crews will be working on 3rd St and Broadway, west of Pacific Ave now through December. To avoid delays, please use alternate routes. 

For questions and concerns relating to this project, please contact us at (562) 463-4465. 

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