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El Dorado Duck Pond News

El Dorado Duck Pond Construction Coming Soon

Release Date: 2022-09-06

The City's Contractor, Los Angeles Engineering, is scheduled to begin construction in the area in September 2022 with a scheduled completion, barring weather or other unforeseen delays by late 2023.

The improvements will include:

  • Improved water quality, ecological function, and habitat of the El Dorado Duck Pond by restoring the pond liner, enlarging the wetlands and forebay, removing invasive species, and new California native landscaping
  • Upgrades to current conditions of the walkway surrounding the pond which will reduce future costs and update to the equipment, which as exceeded its usage expectancy
  • A reconfigured water circulation system and a new filtration and disinfection system which will improve water quality, allowing reclaimed water to service the adjacent El Dorado Golf Course, consistent with the City's water conservation efforts

The contractor is scheduled to perform work Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Parking impacts are expected. Patrons can still park on Studebaker Rd. Efforts will be made to minimize inconveniences and minimize construction activities during scheduled park sports activities.

The contractor encourages park patrons to keep children away from the construction areas and activities.

Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation throughout this project. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the El Dorado Duck Pond hotline at (562) 570-6591 or e-mail us at contactlbpw@longbeach.gov.

For more information about this project, please visit longbeach.gov/eldoduckpond.