City of Long Beach 
Public Information Office
411 W. Ocean Blvd, 
Long Beach, CA 90802

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPress Release # 032824-3
Long Beach to Host Virtual Community Meeting on Draft Zoning Regulations for Central Long Beach Area
Public invited to April 11 evening event to provide input on plans and interactive rezoning map
Rick de la Torre
Community Information Officer
Community Development Department

Aerial photo of Anaheim Street showing residential tracks, small business complexes and park with mountain range in far background.

Long Beach, CA – The City of Long Beach Community Development Department (Department) will host a virtual community meeting for the public to learn about and provide feedback on the rezoning proposal for the Zone In: City Core project area, developed based on input received and analysis conducted over the project’s multi-year engagement process.

After more than two years of a collaborative process with the Central Long Beach communities, the draft zoning regulations and rezoning map are now available for public review. Additionally, the Department has created an interactive draft rezoning map that enables users to view the draft zones with a description of each zoning district that will be applied to every property in the project area and look up specific addresses.

As part of the public comment period on the rezoning proposal, which is open through April 22, 2024, a virtual meeting will be held Thursday, April 11, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Attendees can join online or by phone 213.338.8466. Meeting ID: 994 5666 5878. Attendees are encouraged to RSVP. Interpretation services will be provided in Spanish and Khmer, and other languages upon request via the RSVP form.

Zone In: City Core, previously known as the Anaheim Corridor Zoning Implementation Plan, covers the area bounded by the Pacific Coast Highway, 10th Street, Magnolia and Ximeno avenues.

The current effort will update the project’s zoning regulations to support the development of new housing and a greater mix of uses, particularly along commercial corridors in the area, including Anaheim Street and Pacific Coast Highway. The plan is expected to help create a more cohesive community where residents, businesses, jobs and shopping are located near each other with a more pedestrian-friendly design. In addition, the plan is anticipated to facilitate more than 3,000 market-rate and affordable housing units in the area.

Comments regarding the draft zoning regulations should be submitted by April 22, via email to with the subject line “City Core Public Input.”

Subsequent to the review period, the rezoning proposal is expected to go before the Planning Commission for a recommendation to be considered by the City Council. 

To learn more about the project and other citywide rezoning efforts, please visit the Zone In webpage.

Media inquiries can be directed to Rick de la Torre, Community Information Officer, Long Beach Development Services Department, at 562.570.7174 or