City of Long Beach
Public Information Office
411 W. Ocean Blvd,
Long Beach, CA 90802
Long Beach, CA – The Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services (Health Department) is expanding the eligibility criteria for the monkeypox (MPX) vaccine, effective immediately. This decision is in alignment with Los Angeles County and done in order to make the vaccine more readily accessible to those at high risk and to stop the spread of MPX.
The MPX vaccine is now available to:
In addition, a limited number of appointments are available this week on MyTurn for City-run MPX vaccine clinics. Last week, the City transitioned its pre-registration system over to MyTurn but prioritized appointments for those who already registered with the City. Starting Aug. 30, City-run MPX vaccine clinics will be open to all who register on MyTurn.
Long Beach has been working diligently in its response to MPX and has been working closely with community partners, including sexual health clinics, LGBTQ+ centers, acute care hospitals, pharmacies and homeless service providers to provide vaccine, treatment, education and guidance. The Health Department has activated its Department Operations Center, prioritizing resources and leadership to focus on the clinical, epidemiological and community response.
As of today, there are 66 confirmed and probable cases of MPX in Long Beach. At least one has required hospitalization, and all are isolating and recovering at home or have recovered. To date, the city has administered more than 2,800 doses of MPX vaccine.
The Department encourages all residents to visit for up-to-date facts on MPX, and to avoid misinformation. You can also follow updates, tips and notices on the Health Department’s social media pages @LBHealthDept and by following the hashtag #monkeypoxLB.