City of Long Beach 
Public Information Office
411 W. Ocean Blvd, 
Long Beach, CA 90802

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEPress Release # 050823
Community Invited to Provide Input on the Long Beach Zoning Code Update for Parking
Virtual Public Meeting Scheduled for May 24
Rick de la Torre
Community Information Officer
Long Beach Development Services Department

Long Beach, CA – The City of Long Beach is exploring a new Zoning Code Update that will help shape the regulation of on-site parking requirements for changes of use for older business buildings (constructed 10 years ago or more) when a new business or new use of an existing building is proposed.  

As a result of the pandemic and past research on vacant storefronts, the City has determined there is a great need to ease parking space requirements for businesses looking to locate in existing tenant spaces. A change in the requirements is expected to help remove a significant operational barrier for businesses interested in leasing or buying vacant storefronts. By occupying those empty or underused commercial spaces, the businesses can instill economic vitality to an area while helping reduce neighborhood blight and the adverse impacts that vacancies can have on the community.

Under the existing zoning regulations, businesses are often required to provide additional parking for the new business, but the ability to provide additional parking for an existing building or structure is often limited, leading to vacant storefronts. The proposed zoning code amendment would change the rules so that no additional parking would be required in order to locate new businesses in existing buildings that are more than 10 years old.

The public is invited to attend a virtual community meeting that will be hosted by the Planning Bureau Staff of the Development Services Department to learn about and provide input on the Zoning Code Update for parking. Once completed, the draft update will be presented to the Planning Commission and the Long Beach City Council for reviews and approvals.

Virtual Community Meeting
Wednesday, May 24, 2023, 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Join online
Join by phone: 213.338.8477
Meeting ID: 991 4300 7454
Attendees are encouraged to RSVP online

Community members, neighborhood associations and business groups are encouraged to sign up to receive updates on this Zoning Code Update.

For more information, please contact Bradley Bounds II, Project Planner, at or at 562.570.6720.

Media inquiries can be directed to Rick de la Torre, Community Information Officer, Long Beach Development Services Department, at or 562.570.7174.