Twenty-nine Long Beach Police Department recruits and three Redondo Beach Police Department recruits successfully completed five months of intense academic, physical, and practical training in areas such as patrol procedures and law enforcement tactics, firearms training, weaponless defense, criminal law, vehicle operations, community-oriented public safety, persons with mental health disabilities, cultural diversity/human relations, and procedural justice.
Class #97 brings a wide range of talents from a variety of backgrounds to the Department.The graduating class includes the following officers:
Long Beach Police Department
Officer Jesus Aguirre
Officer Victor Crespo-Pena
Officer Christopher Davenport
Officer Michael Espinoza
Officer Brandon Fahey
Officer Guillermo Fajardo-Soto
Officer Alberto Frausto
Officer Michael Garcia
Officer Saul Garcia
Officer Triston Gibson
Officer Erick Guevara
Officer Kevin Henry
Officer Angel Hernandez-Castillo
Officer Victor Islas
Officer Julissa Lopez
Officer Jeremy-Andrew Mabini
Officer John Marcelo
Officer David Martinez
Officer Michael McCullough
Officer Bryant Monzon
Officer Saul Ocampo
Officer Kyle Parra
Officer Marvin Pernell
Officer Alec Sanders
Officer Cole Savin
Officer Xavier Solorio
Officer Daniel Sullivan
Officer Mario Valencia Jr.
Officer Jared Williams
Redondo Beach Police Department
Officer Stephen Ott
Officer Tanner Schafer
The LBPD congratulates the graduates and wishes them continued success in their future careers as law enforcement officers in the City of Long Beach.