LBPD Impounds Vehicle Involved in Two Street Takeover Incidents
Release Date: 2022-04-01
On March 18, 2022 at approximately 10:54 p.m., East Division officers responded to the area of Bellflower Boulevard and Stearns regarding a reckless driving call. Upon arrival, officers observed vehicles in the intersection doing donuts and began to disperse the crowd. The next day, at approximately 6:46 p.m., East Division officers responded to another reckless driving call in the area of McGowen Street and Cover Street. Officers quickly arrived and dispersed the crowd.
Following these incidents, officers gathered evidence and intelligence to positively identify one of the vehicles that took part in both events, and subsequently obtained a search warrant for a 30-day impound hold of the vehicle. On March 30, 2022 at approximately 8:45 p.m., in collaboration with Los Angeles Police Department as part of a Street Racing Task Force, officers located the vehicle and successfully impounded the vehicle.
Great work by our officers and a big thank you to our law enforcement partners for this excellent collaboration!