Graffiti Removal Programs
The City of Long Beach has a well-earned national reputation for its innovative and effective programs to control the modern blight of graffiti. These include a Free Paint Program for property owners choosing to remove the graffiti themselves, a Graffiti Removal Program which utilizes a professional paint contractor to ensure paint match when necessary, and a Graffiti Hotline to report "graffiti sightings" or request free paint.
What is the Free Paint Program?
The Free Paint Program provides free paint to be used specifically for removing graffiti from building exteriors.
Who is eligible for the Free Paint Program?
Any owner or occupant of private property located in the City of Long Beach is eligible to receive free paint for the purpose of removing graffiti.
How do I get the free paint?
Call the 24-hour Graffiti Hotline at (562) 570-2773 to request free paint. Leave your name, address, daytime telephone number, and the exact location of graffiti on the property that you own or occupy. City staff will verify the location of graffiti. You will receive a voucher number and information to pick up your free paint.
What is the Graffiti Removal Program?
It is a city-operated program to remove graffiti from private property as quickly as possible in order to improve neighborhoods and discourage further graffiti. The program is offered citywide at no cost to property owners or tenants.
How does the program work?
Call the 24-hour Graffiti Hotline at (562) 570-2773 to report graffiti. Leave your name, address, daytime phone number, and the exact location of graffiti on your property. After written consent to remove graffiti from the property is obtained, a licensed painting contractor or volunteers will remove the graffiti within approximately two weeks. Every effort will be made to match colors, but the cleaned, processed, or coated area may not match precisely.
What properties are eligible for the program?
Properties eligible for continuous removal services are limited to single-family homes, apartment buildings of four units or less, and small neighborhood serving commercial/retail buildings of less than 2,000 square feet.
Will all graffiti be removed from my property?
Graffiti will be removed only from portions of the property visible from a street. In alleyways, graffiti will be removed only within 100 feet of the alley entrance as measured from the street curb.
Can I get free paint to remove graffiti?
Yes! The City of Long Beach encourages community members to individually or collectively remove graffiti from private property. Such efforts expedite removal of graffiti and can significantly reduce the expenditure of public funds.
Call the 24-hour Graffiti Hotline at (562) 570-2773 to request free paint. Leave your name, address, daytime telephone number, and the exact location of graffiti on the property that you own or occupy. City staff will verify the location of graffiti. You will receive a voucher number and information to pick up your free paint.
How do I report graffiti on other property?
Call the Graffiti Hotline at (562) 570-2773 to report the exact address location of the graffiti. Provide your name, address, and daytime telephone number. City staff will contact the property owner to obtain consent to have the graffiti removed.