Personnel Division
The Personnel Division is managed by a civilian administrator who is responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the activities of the Personnel Division. The coordination of the union contracts, city benefits, policies, and procedures for sworn and civilian employees is a unique and complex aspect to this management position. The Personnel Division is responsible for the personnel and payroll services for the nearly 1500 Police Department employees.
Personnel Section
The Personnel Section is responsible for the administrative functions of the division. This includes monitoring and evaluating human resource activities for the Department, including recruiting, hiring, appraising and paying employees; ensuring that the Department stays current of relevant laws pertaining to American's with Disabilities Act (ADA), Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Equal Employment Opportunities, and Workers' Compensation issues and Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Additional responsibilities include: processing injury reports for Cal/OSHA; processing Injury on Duty (IOD) paperwork; monitoring personnel on modified duty; monitoring Position Control for the Department; coordinating the Voluntary Idea Program (VIP); processing badge requests and all personnel requisitions.
Payroll Section
The Payroll Section is responsible for preparing and distributing the biweekly paychecks, and the associated documents processing for all Police Department employees. This includes data entry of daily payroll and overtime for entire department; data entry of performance evaluation ratings for step raises; preparing and processing uniform and safety equipment requests; concealed weapons permits for retired officers; documents relating to taxes, health insurance, deferred compensation, savings bonds; change of assignments and various incentive and skill pays; monitoring and distributing service pins to employees; publishing the staffing level reports, and assisting employees with leave requests (i.e., catastrophic, FMLA, Extended Leave, Department Leave, Temporary Leave).
Facilities Maintenance Section
The Facilities Maintenance Section is responsible for maintaining and refurbishing 16 facilities under the purview of the police department. Some of the responsibilities of this Section include maintaining the custodial efforts of the facilities; responding to emergency safety issues and problems (plumbing, elevator); ensuring adequate emergency back-up equipment at the facilities; conducting facility inspections and coordinating the renovation efforts of the Department; working with the City Safety Officer in scheduling employees for Cal/OSHA mandated safety training; and coordinating and working with floor wardens on various safety issues, including conducting an annual fire evacuation drill.