Shoreline Pedestrian Bikepath

Glide, ride or stride along the water's edge on the main beach from Alamitos Bay to Shoreline Village. This 3.1-mile bike path is a 17-foot-wide concrete trail on the beach, extending from Alamitos Avenue on the west to 54th Place on the east. Two six foot lanes are for bicycle traffic and one five foot lane is for pedestrians. You can rent skates, bikes, umbrellas and beach chairs at Alfredos on the west end. Call 434-6121 for more information.

The Shoreline Pedestrian/Bicycle Path was initiated by citizens who wanted to link an existing 29-mile bike path system. City Capital Improvement funds were matched with a Los Angeles County Transportation Commission grant. This bike path was completed in January, 1988.

The City of Long Beach has four other major Class I bike paths (off road separate bike paths) within its boundaries encompassing over 60 miles. The City also has many CLASS II paths that are painted lanes on roadway and Class III paths, connecting bike routes with shared use of road with cars.

Los Angeles River Bikeway (LARIO) - This 29.1-mile bikeway runs along the east side of the Los Angeles River and extends to the Downtown Marina and the Shoreline Aquatic Park Bike Trail.

San Gabriel River Bike Trail - This 28-mile bikeway runs along the San Gabriel River through El Dorado Regional Park and extends to the street surface bike trail near the Alamitos Bay Marina.

El Dorado Park Bike Path - This 4-mile bikeway runs through the 450-acre scenic El Dorado Regional Park. It connects with the San Gabriel River Bike Trail at various locations.

Heartwell Park Bike Path - This 2.5-mile bikeway runs through the 162-acre Heartwell Park. This bikeway also connects with the San Gabriel River Bike Trail and various Class II bike paths.