Wrigley Greenbelt
DeForest Avenue (Willow Street to 34th Street)
(562) 570-3100
(9.8 acres)
This area is green open space and a walking trail for residents to enjoy.
The Wrigley Greenbelt is located on Los Angeles River flood control land outside the river levees. The RiverLink Open Space Plan of 2007 for lands along the Los Angeles River called for walking and bicycle riding trails through an area of native California landscaping. The Port of Long Beach and Los Angeles County implemented the northern section with improvements in 2007. Funding for more improvements is provided by L.A. County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Act of 1996.
Improvements to Greenbelt were completed in May 2023 that included a one-mile walking trail, new picnic tables, and a sustainable design with new landscaping of drought resistant native plants, a new irrigation system, and dry stream beds to improve stormwater runoff.
New native trees were planted to provide a green buffer to improve air quality, while benefiting wildlife and the local ecosystem.
The $3.82 million project was funded with $1.62 million from Los Angeles County Regional Park and Open Space District (LACRPOSD) grant funding; $1 million from Park Impact fees, and $1.2 million from Construction & Demolition Recycling Program funds. Cal Fire grants were also secured by Conservation Corps of Long Beach, the project partner.
Green Space
Walking Paths
Picnic Tables