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Pan American ParkPanAmericanPark

5157 Centralia Ave.
(562) 570-1660
(12.5 acres)


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 2:30-5:30 p.m.
Thursday, 1:30-5:30 p.m.
Open Gym: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, 5-8 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Closed


This park is located in Lakewood Village, at Centralia and Heather Road. The County of Los Angeles transferred this park to the City of Long Beach on September 29, 1954.

The park is improved with a gymnasium, two lighted softball fields, a basketball court, two handball courts, a volleyball court, pre-school and school aged children's playgrounds, a freestanding restroom, and picnic areas. The playgrounds, picnic tables and softball field lighting were redeveloped in 1995-1997 with Los Angeles County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Act of 1992 funds. American's with Disabilities Act transition plan improvements were completed in 2005 with funding from the federal Community Development Block Grants. A concession building was added in 2005. Night lighting was added to the adjacent Bancroft Middle School for use in combination with the park's softball facilities with funding from the state Parks Bond Act of 2000.


Basketball Gym, Handball/Raquetball Court, Picnic Areas, Playground, Soccer Field, Softball Fields, Volleyball Court, Restrooms, Youth Recreation, Teen Programs, Adult Classes, Weight Lifting Program

Map to the Park