Los Altos Park
5481 Stearns Street
(562) 570-1685
(4.6 acres)
Enjoy a quiet afternoon at this pleasant 4.7 acre park, full of scenery and greenery. The park recently received two new backstops, two new drinking fountains, and new play equipment. For information about field use, Bobby Sox or Little League, please call 570-1725.
The Home Investment Company and the Bixby Land Company, joint owners, deeded this park to the City on January 30, 1951. On December 21, 1954, a development plan for the park was approved by the City Council.
The original development of the park included only a passive park with lawn, trees and benches. Security lighting was added in 1995 and a playground was added in 1998 with funding from the Los Angeles County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Acts of 1992 and 1996. Parks, Recreation and Marine Department staff added a "T-ball"baseball field about 2000.
Picnic Area, Play Equipment, Sports Field/Area.