Los Altos Park Plaza
Los Altos at El Prado and El Parque (near Anaheim & PCH)
(562) 570-3126
(0.71 acres)
Monday - Friday: 12-6p.m.
Saturday: 12-4p.m.
Sunday: Closed
The Home Investment Company and the Bixby Land Company, joint owners, deeded this park to the City on January 30, 1951. On December 21, 1954, a development plan for the park was approved by the City Council.
The original development of the park included only a passive park with lawn, trees and benches. Security lighting was added in 1995 and a playground was added in 1998 with funding from the Los Angeles County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Acts of 1992 and 1996. Parks, Recreation and Marine Department staff added a "T-ball" baseball field about 2000.
Play Equipment, Benches, Open Space.