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Funded by a Grant from the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery (CalRecycle)
Jackson Park – 408 Tires Diverted

(3.1 acres)
Located just east of Orange Avenue this small park offers visitors beautiful landscaping, a picnic area, and a recently improved playground.


Jackson Street Park was acquired by a private water company as early as 1903, and became City property when the Water Department formed in 1911. Approval was given on August 16, 1966 to develop the park on Jackson Street and east of Orange Avenue. The development was completed in 1968. The park transferred from the Water Department to the Parks, Recreation and Marine on May 1, 2000. The parks' south edge is a storm drain channel that had formerly been Jackson Creek. Improvements include a playground and picnic area. The playground was redeveloped in 1996 with Los Angeles County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Act of 1992 funds.


Picnic Area, Play Equipment

Map to the Park