Jack Dunster Marine Biological Reserve
Boathouse Lane and Los Cerritos Channel
(562) 570-3100
(3 acres)
The Jack Dunster Marine Biological Reserve is a 2.7 acre site containing 1.5 acres of land and 1.2 acres of shallow water constructed on the northwesterly side of the Los Cerritos Channel adjacent to the Rowing Center at Marine Stadium. It is a natural habitat created for recreational and educational opportunities for the public.
The special features of the Jack Dunster Marine Biological Reserve were recommended by the Marine Advisory Commission and coordinated by the Parks, Recreation and Marine Department. These features include public access to a meandering pathway throughout the reserve, as well as gangway access to two floating observation platforms and one floating dock.
The site is protected from the highly erosive currents in the Los Cerritos Channel and upland runoff by a low, bluff-like retaining wall made of interlocking concrete blocks . They are terraced to allow vegetative cover.
The central area of the site has been excavated to allow for the tidal marsh. A floating breakwater reduces the erosive currents while protecting this area. The breakwater stretches between the points of this miniature bay and separate the 1.2 water acres from the boating activity in the Los Cerritos Channel. Forming the west-end of the breakwater is a 132-foot long dock allowing access by boat to the site.
An irrigation system and landscaping with plants native have also been added to this unique ecosystem. The habitats will include Coastal Sage Shrub, Southern Beach, Coastal Marsh, Inter-tidal Mudflats, Rocky Inter-tidal and Sandy Bottom.