
Be Storm Smart

The City encourages residents to stay prepared for impacts related to winter weather like potential storms and heavy rain. Follow @LongBeachCity and #LBRain on Facebook, Instagram, X, Nextdoor, reddit or YouTube for preparedness tips and alerts related to winter weather.  

Operational Announcements

There are no operational announcements at this time. Operational announcements will be shared here when a major storm takes place in Long Beach.

Emergency and Storm Preparedness Tips

  • Sign up for Alert Long Beach, the City’s emergency notification system. Residents and business owners who are enrolled will receive text messages and/or voice messages to their cell number and/or email address.
  • Check the Recreational Water Monitoring webpage for beach advisories. After any significant rainfall (0.10" or more), high levels of bacteria from storm drains, rivers and polluted runoff enter the ocean. People should avoid all ocean water contact for at least 72 hours after rainfall.
  • Avoid driving through a flooded road or walking across a flowing stream of water.
  • Slow down at intersections, especially if signal lights are not working, and treat them as stop signs. Be cautious while driving, especially at night.
  • Take appropriate steps to be prepared by securing personal property and vehicles in areas that are prone to flooding.
  • Avoid unnecessary trips. If you must travel during the storm, dress in warm, loose layers of clothing. Advise others of your destination and estimated arrival time.
  • Be aware of utility workers working in or near the road.
  • Stay off sand berms and stay away from City vehicles and machinery operating along the coastline.
  • Keep pets inside and ensure they have shelter from the storm.
  • Place refuse and recycling carts on the parkway or driveway apron.
  • Report street flooding or downed trees by calling 562.570.2700.
  • Report downed power lines by calling 9-1-1.
  • To check the status of street sweeping in localized areas, call 562.570.2890 or follow @LBPublicWorks on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for timely updates.
  • Make a Plan. Whether for home, work or school, it is important to have an emergency plan in place and practice it. A plan will help you think ahead about what steps you can take to keep you and your family safe during an emergency. Determine with your family and/or place of work/school a meeting place in the event of an evacuation and establish a communications plan (EnglishSpanish) to stay connected, should you be separated.   
  • Get informed. Review the City’s Hazard Mitigation webpage, which includes information about earthquakes and other hazards that can impact Long Beach, as well as the adopted Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, and visit My Hazards to find out what specific hazards impact your home or place of work/school.
  • Prepare a Go-bag. If you haven’t already done so, prepare a go-bag and store it in an easily accessible location to take when the need to quickly evacuate arises. The bag should contain essential items for individuals and families (including pets) such as a list of medications, printed photos of family and pets, identification, important documents, extra clothes, and a disaster-ready guide. 
  • Build an Emergency Kit. Some emergencies may prevent you from leaving your home and restrict others from reaching you. Prepare an emergency kit with essential, daily items to be self-sustaining for at least five days including canned and shelf-stable food, water and medication for each family member, a first aid kit, flashlight, extra batteries and comfort items for people and pets. Remember to maintain your kit by replacing expired items and updating it as your family’s needs change.
  • Learn First Aid. Everyone can benefit by learning  basic emergency medical procedures. It’s also a good idea to take a CPR class.
  • Prepare for severe weather by following these tips.

Emergency Notifications

Be better prepared during emergencies by signing up for Alert Long Beach, the City's emergency notification system. In the event of a major storm, the City may send alerts through this system regarding potential impacts. 

  • Receive emergency notifications directly to your mobile phone and/or email. 
  • Stay informed and take necessary precautions to protect yourself and your property. 
  • Sign up for Alert Long Beach now to ensure you're always informed during emergencies. 

   Storm Safety: Sand and Sandbag Distribution in Long Beach 

  • Sandbags are available year-round at  Long Beach Fire Stations for residents. 
  • Sand is available only leading up to major storms and at select locations. Availability will be announced prior tolarger storm events. 
  • Sand and sandbags are available only to Long Beach residents. 
  • A maximum of 10 sandbags can be picked up per resident with ID. 
  • Residents should bring their own shovel or tool to collect sand. 
  • The map below shows the locations of Long Beach Fire Stations where sandbags are typically available as well as where sand will be distributed before a major storm. Sand availability is NOT year-round. 

Enter your address below to locate the nearest Long Beach sand and sandbag distribution location.