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Reminder: Don’t forget to complete the Census 7/22/2020 Have you completed the Census yet? Click to find out The City of Long Beach's progress and how much time you have to do your part.
Redistricting in California 7/22/2020 The Census determines California's number of seats in the House of Representatives, but redistricting as well. Click to learn more about the terms of redistricting and its importance.
We’re counting on you 7/22/2020 By completing the 2020 Census questionnaire, you can contribute toward making lasting improvements to your community. 
Study: In a first, California poised to lose House seats 7/15/2020

Districts that touch Orange County and San Gabriel Valley are vulnerable when voting districts are redrawn next year. Political battles could turn brutal.

Complete 2020 Census Now to Avoid a Knock on Your Door Next Month 7/15/2020 Soon the U.S. Census Bureau is scheduled to send enumerators to the front doors of homes nationwide.
Census Bureau Announces Winners of First-Ever 2020 Census “Get Out the Count” Prize 7/15/2020 The U.S. Census Bureau announced the winners of the first-ever 2020 Census “Get Out the Count” Video Challenge during a live virtual event.
Corona Virus Forces Bureau to Suspend Census Field Operations Until April 1 3/18/2020 Households Can Do 2020 Census On Their Own While Field Operations Suspended U.S. households can respond at my2020census.gov, over the phone or by paper.
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Don’t want a census taker at your door during the coronavirus outbreak? Fill it out online 3/12/2020 The coronavirus outbreak is giving momentum to the Census Bureau’s 2020 push to encourage people to respond by phone, mail or — for the first time — online.
The 2020 census is online. Here’s how to do it. 3/12/2020 The US census has entered the 21st century.
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What you'll receive in the mail 3/6/2020  See what the official US Census Bureau mailings will look like.
military census
Census troop-counting rules could tip congressional balance 2/26/2020

The new system for counting troops deployed abroad could make a difference in states such as North Carolina and Texas

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Census Bureau spends millions on ads combating citizenship question scare 2/18/2020 The bureau is spending $500 million overall on ads urging participation in the 2020 Census.
Why the Fastest Growing Population in America Is The Least Likely to Fill Out the Census 2/14/2020 They are the fastest-growing demographic group in the nation, and activists say they remain largely misunderstood. They want to use this year’s count to help.
CALIFORNIA INFLUENCERS JOIN STATE’S CAMPAIGN AS ‘CENSUS AMBASSADORS’ 1/28/2020 The California For All: Census 2020 Campaign welcomes four Census Ambassadors to help educate and empower the hardest-to-count Californians to take part in the upcoming 2020 Census.
Census estimates: Redistricting ahead for California, New York and Texas 1/6/2020 The Census Bureau gave a peek at a coming battle within states nationwide over the shape of the country’s congressional district map, with its latest population estimates hinting at fights within Texas, New York, California, Alabama and other states.
This is how Long Beach is getting ready for the 2020 Census 1/2/2020 With millions of federal dollars on the line and the risk of less political representation, Long Beach isn’t taking any chances when the 2020 Census questionnaire makes its way into thousands of homes in the city this spring.
On Census, Facebook And Instagram To Ban Disinformation And False Ads 12/19/2019 Facebook is changing user policies for its social media platforms to explicitly ban disinformation about and ads trying to discourage participation in the 2020 census.
Centro CHA realiza un foro comunitario para resolver inquietudes sobre el Censo 2020 12/7/2019 El evento se llevó a cabo en Long Beach y sirvió para informar sobre la importancia de participar en el conteo, cómo responder a la encuesta y cómo evitar los fraudes.
FBI Budget
Census gets funding boost in stopgap bill 11/21/2019 The stopgap funding measure Congress passed Thursday provides $7.3 billion for the Census Bureau, giving next year’s count the resources some lawmakers and advocates have sought for months. 
The Census Bureau’s Device as a Service project will help enumerators capture as much data as possible, says the bureau’s Michael Thieme.
The Census Bureau Makes Device as a Service Count 11/18/2019

In 2020, the U.S. Census Bureau will launch the most state-of-the-art population count in history, taking advantage of mobile devices, technology and solutions that were barely available a decade ago. 

Social Media
The Census is a target for disinformation 11/6/2019

It’s an all-hands-on-deck situation to stop the vital count from being compromised. But there are still concerns that Big Tech isn’t being transparent enough.

MIT Technology Review, 11/6/2019, Angela Chen

Blocked Citizenship Question Not Likely To Lower Census Response, Bureau Finds 10/31/2019

"If the Trump administration had been allowed to add the now-blocked citizenship question to the 2020 census, it likely would not have had a significant effect on self-response rates, the Census Bureau said Thursday."

NPR, 10/31/2019, Hansi Lo Wang

Census Press Conference
Census Bureau Confirms Noncitizens To Be Hired For 2020 After Uncertainty 10/25/2019

"The federal government is widening its recruiting efforts for 2020 census jobs to include certain noncitizens for their non-English language skills, a Census Bureau official announced this week."

NPR, 10/25/2019, Hansi Lo Wang

Could the 2020 Census Help Bridge the Digital Divide? 10/25/2019

"As government agencies and nonprofit groups help prepare communities for the nation’s first high-tech Census, digital inclusion advocates see a chance to bridge digital divides that span well past next year’s count."

Government Technology, 10/25/2019, Zack Quaintance

Long Beach Schools Receive $2000 each for Census Outreach to Students and Families 10/22/2019

"The Los Angeles County Office of Education announced Monday that it will dedicate $2 million to help historically undercounted communities conduct an accurate 2020 Census. LACOE said it will partner with more than 960 schools in districts that include Los Angeles, Long Beach, Compton, Glendale, Lynwood, Montebello, Mountain View, Paramount and Pomona, giving each school $2,000 for census outreach to students and families."

Los Angeles Daily News, 10/22/2019, City News Service

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Census Bureau Struggles To Add Staff For 2020's Census 10/22/2019

 "The bureau right now is more than three months behind in getting some 1,500 outreach workers, known as partnership specialists, fully on board. And that's before it even steps up hiring for those 500,000 enumerators it will need next year."

NPR, 10/22/2019, Hansi Lo Wang

Digital Inclusion and Digital Divide 10/3/2019

"The City of Long Beach’s Technology and Innovation Department, in collaboration with the Economic Development Department, is launching efforts for a Digital Inclusion Roadmap that will address the digital divide and promote digital equity and inclusion in Long Beach.

Signal Tribune, 10/3/2019, Staff Report

Kickoff Meeting
Kickoff Meeting 8/12/2019

"On Friday, the city kicked off its first Complete Count Committee meeting to plan for the 2020 census count. City leaders, determined to get a more accurate count this time, have proposed $600,000 in one-time funds in the 2020 budget to support census work."

Long Beach Post, 8/12/2019, Kelly Puente

Challenges 7/1/2019 Challenges to Complete Count