Home » Long Beach Airport (LGB) » 2017-08-29 LGB Updated Minimum Standards

LGB Updated Minimum Standards


Long Beach Municipal Code (Section 16.44.130) requires the airport to establish reasonable administrative regulations relating to all aeronautical activities at Long Beach Airport, which historically has been accomplished by City Council-approved Minimum Standards for Aeronautical Activities. Since the last update was conducted in 2008, it was deemed an appropriate time to review and modify the Minimum Standards again.

Unlike the prior update, which included a substantive rewrite and resulted in a very thorough base document, the current update accomplishes the following: makes various administerial corrections to ensure consistency throughout the document; adds an aeronautical user group previously left out (Commercial Hangar Operator); deletes commercial airline operators' information (more appropriately covered under Airport Rules and Regulations); adds new requirements related to fuel storage and reporting; and, adds a "Definitions" section to the document. The proposed changes are consistent with best practices of the aviation industry and help ensure a level playing field and promote safety, competition, and open access at the airport.

After several airport meetings with aeronautical users and tenants, and extensive review by the Airport Advisory Commission and the City Attorney's office, the City Council recently approved LGB's updated Minimum Standards at their August 15 session.

To view the complete report, please click here.