The Long Beach Airport is proposing changes to the following fees, contingent on City Council Approval.
A 10% reduction is proposed to the following fees and charges, contingent on City Council approval.
Landing Fees, 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Current: $ 4.77 per 1000 lbs. GCLW New: $ 4.29 per 1000 lbs. GCLW
Landing Fees, 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM
Current: $10.06 per 1000 lbs. GCLW New: $ 9.05 per 1000 lbs. GCLW
Terminal Building Gate Use Fee
Current: $ 1.42 per 1000 lbs. GCLW New: $ 1.28 per 1000 lbs. GCLW
Terminal Building Apron Parking Fee
Current: $ 1.18 per 1000 lbs. GCLW New: $ 1.06 per 1000 lbs. GCLW
Common Use Charges
Current: $ 3.35 per enplaned passenger New: $ 3.02 per enplaned passenger
If approved by City Council, the fees shall be in effect beginning May 1, 2017.
The Long Beach Airport is also proposing changes to the following fees, contingent on City Council Approval.
Reservation-Based Ground Transportation Permit increases to $100 each
Non-Reservation Based Ground Transportation Permit increases to $1,200 each
Ground Transportation Application Fee increases to $120 per occurrence
The proposed fee changes are scheduled for City Council vote on April 4, 2017. If approved, the fee changes will be in effect immediately. Permits previously issued for 2017 are still valid. The new fee amount will be charged to new applications received and permits issued after the effective date.
For questions regarding the proposed fee changes, please contact the airport's Administration office at (562) 570-2600.