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- Cindy Allen2nd District
- Kristina Duggan3rd District
- Daryl Supernaw4th District
- Megan Kerr5th District
- Suely Saro6th District
- Roberto Uranga7th District
- Al Austin8th District
- Dr. Joni Ricks-Oddie9th District
- Dawn McIntoshCity Attorney
- Laura L. DoudCity Auditor
- Doug HaubertCity Prosecutor
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City Council
Rex Richardson
Mary Zendejas
1st District
Cindy Allen
2nd District
Kristina Duggan
3rd District
Daryl Supernaw
4th District
Megan Kerr
5th District
Suely Saro
6th District
Roberto Uranga
7th District
Al Austin
8th District
Dr. Joni Ricks-Oddie
9th District
Dawn McIntosh
City Attorney
Laura L. Doud
City Auditor
Doug Haubert
City Prosecutor
Tom Modica
City Manager
Monique DeLaGarza
City Clerk
City-Wide Elected Officials
Appointed Officials
Long Beach Airport
The Airport meets with general aviation stakeholders, including the General Aviation Noise Abatement Committee (GANAC) and the Long Beach Airport Association (LBAA), each quarter to share noise compliance results and community noise concerns. The GANAC was established by the Noise Ordinance and has a defined role in assisting the general aviation community with compliance with the Noise Ordinance.
The role of the GANAC is established by the Noise Ordinance to assist general aviation operators when specified cumulative and single event noise exposure levels are exceeded. The GANAC provides a mechanism to assist the general aviation community with complying with the Noise Ordinance before more stringent measures are applied.
The LBAA is a nonprofit organization that represents over 18,000 employees and 200 different businesses operating at LGB. These businesses include Fixed Based Operators (FBOs), airplane service companies, flight schools, and various other businesses. The LBAA works to advocate for the interests of airport operators and users, achieve balanced economic growth and diversity, preserve aviation jobs and businesses, as well as form community and educational partnerships.
The GANAC was established to assist with compliance with the 65 CNEL and is similar to formal communication with the air carriers regarding flight slot allocations. Although the Airport is in compliance with cumulative noise exposure goals and guidelines, the general aviation community proactively participates in seeking opportunities to further reduce noise exposure within their operational and business capabilities.
The LBAA organized a group of well-established flight training operators, and knowledgeable general aviation users and:
- Reviewed any airport related noise violations and the specific operations raising concern.
- Reviewed the airport users’ operational practices and syllabus guidelines for potential refinement specific to the Airport.
- Collectively considered reasonable operational modifications that potentially would mitigate concerns and provide benefit without transferring or impacting other community areas or residents.
- Created a best practices guide called, “How to Fly a Friendly Pattern at Long Beach Airport.” The guidelines were submitted to each master tenant flight school, and user/operator.
More information about the LBAA’s Fly Friendly program, including information about the voluntary pledge for Flight School Operators, is available on the LBAA website.
FAQs about the LBAA Fly Friendly Program
How will pilots be made aware of the Fly Friendly Program?
The LBAA is conducting outreach among its members, including holding several meetings and providing educational flyers for pilots.
Who has regulatory authority over flight paths?
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has regulatory authority over flight paths.
What happens if an aircraft operator violates the procedures outlined in LBAA’s Fly Friendly Program?
LBAA’s program is 100% voluntary and is not enforceable by law or policy.
Why does the Airport consider voluntary measures the quickest method to reduce noise from general aviation operations?
Cooperation with the general aviation community and voluntary measures provide the best and quickest method of reducing noise exposure and addressing community concerns, as mandatory control measures would likely require a detailed 14 CFR Part 161 process and could possibly open the existing Noise Ordinance to legal challenge. More information on this is available in the October 31, 2023 memo to City Council.