Inspire your community to reduce waste, compost, and recycle!
The City of Long Beach Compost and Recycling Ambassador Program (CRA) is an opportunity to explore, in-depth, the fascinating world of waste reduction, recycling, and at-home composting. This 8-week program is offered at no cost to residents and combines lectures, hands-on experiences, and collaboration to teach community members about waste reduction strategies; recycling history, systems, and practices; and provides training on the two primary methods of home composting—vermicomposting and backyard composting. Community members will apply the knowledge they gain in the class by becoming a resource for the community through volunteer opportunities. Community members who complete the program by attending at least 7 of the 8 required courses and completing the 25 required volunteer hours will be certified as Compost and Recycling Ambassadors.
Who should apply?
Any adult over 18 years of age that lives in Long Beach with an interest in learning more about waste reduction, recycling, composting, and becoming a community resource is welcome. All levels of experience are welcome! Space is limited.
For more details and to apply, visit the section below “Become a Compost and Recycling Ambassador”.
At this time, the program is only offered in English. We are eager to offer the program in multiple languages in the future. Please email us at if you would like to express interest in your language.
For questions, email or call (562) 570-2869.