Recycle Your Bicycle Event
Release Date: 2023-04-01
The Department of Public Works, Environmental Services Bureau (ESB) is holding its fourth annual Recycle Your Bicycle event on May 6, 2023, as part of the City of Long Beach's Bike Month activities. This effort promotes reuse and recycling while encouraging mobility in our Long Beach community.
Donate unwanted bicycles at any of five locations throughout Long Beach, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on May 6, as part of the Long Beach Bike Month activities. Usable bicycles will be refurbished by Pedal Movement and donated to local non-profit organizations. Bicycles or parts that cannot be reused will be recycled.
Sign up here to receive an email reminder before the big day!
See flyer for more information: English | Spanish | Tagalog | Khmer
GoActiveLB Hub
223 E. 1st St., Long Beach, CA 90802
Silverado Park
1545 W. 31st St., Long Beach, CA 90810
On 31st St. and Santa Fe Ave.
El Dorado Park - West
2800 Studebaker Rd., Long Beach, CA 90815
Parking lot on E. Barrios St. and N. Studebaker Rd.
Houghton Park
6301 Myrtle Ave., Long Beach, CA 90805
Near Veterans Valor Plaza on E. Harding St. and Atlantic Ave
Whaley Park
5620 E. Atherton St., Long Beach, CA 90815
Parking lot on E. Atherton St.