Community Development

Project Timeline & Events

Between summer 2018 and summer 2019, a variety of community outreach events, activities, and open houses were held to provide various opportunities for the community to learn about and shape the development of the Long Beach Climate Action Plan (LB CAP). These events focused on validating the data and risk assessments, and working in partnership with the community to understand, prioritize and plan mitigation measures and adaptation strategies towards identified climate risks and vulnerabilities, LB CAP goals, and reduction targets.

The LB CAP was confirmed by the City Council on January 5, 2021, at which time the City Council confirmed the GHG reduction target, the plan, and directed staff to develop the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) required for the LB CAP pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The CEQA process began with the September 1, 2021 scoping meeting. The EIR was available for public review from March 18 - May 2, 2022, and can be found on our Environmental Reports page

On August 16, 2022, the City Council adopted the LB CAP and certified the EIR. Developing and adopting the LB CAP is just the beginning of an ongoing, collaborative process to make Long Beach a safer, healthier, and more sustainable place to live, work and play. Residents, business owners, students, and other community stakeholders are encouraged to get involved by providing input, spreading the word, and sharing ideas, priorities, and solutions to help establish and achieve the City's climate goals.

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