Community Development

Adopted 2013 - 2021 Long Beach Housing Element

January 17, 2014

The City of Long Beach is pleased to present the Adopted 2013 to 2021 Long Beach Housing Element, which has been certified and found in full compliance with State housing element law (GC, Article 10.6) by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) as of April 2, 2014. The document incorporates numerous changes made during the adoption process, which included meetings with the community, stakeholders, the HCD, and study sessions and hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. The adopted Housing Element was sent to HCD on January 13, 2014 for final review and certification. Please use the links below to view the Adopted 2013-2021 Long Beach Housing Element, as well as previous versions of the document and comments from HCD.

For press inquiries, please contact Richard F. de la Torre, 562.570.7174 or