The Subdivision Ordinance provides guidance and procedures for the design and improvement of various types of land divisions in the city. These regulations help preserve and protect valuable natural resources and amenities in the city while ensuring public health, safety and convenience.
Updates to the Ordinance aim to ensure consistency with State law and the City’s General Plan including the updated Land Use Element, Mobility Element, Urban Design Element and Local Coastal Program. The updates allow for a more streamlined review process for minor map approvals such as lot mergers, lot line adjustments and parcel maps.
Review the draft Subdivision Ordinance and provide your feedback during the comment period through Monday, June 26, 2023. Your comments will be considered, and a revised draft will be brought before the Planning Commission for consideration at a public hearing later this summer.
Comments and/or questions can be submitted to Sergio Gutierrez, Project Planner, at 562.570.5934 or